Boudin Martini

Boudin Martini
Has anyone had one before? I haven't tried it yet but i am.

Any interesting specialty drinks that you've had before?
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myren1900's Avatar
Good in hot climates after a day on the beach.

Combine creme de menthe, creme de cacao, cream, and ice in a cocktail shaker. Cover and shake until chilled. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.

Very decadent, but very refreshing !

Mango Mojito

1 tablespoon mango purée (recipe follows)
1 tablespoon sugar
½ lime
4 fresh mint leaves
3 ounces light rum
1 ½ ounces mango rum (or substitute with 1 tablespoon mango purée and 1 ounce light rum)
1 slice ripe mango, skin on, for garnish
1 ripe mango, peeled and cut into small chunks
6 ounces canned or bottled mango juice
Nutritional Information

For the mango purée: combine the mango chunks and mango juice in a blender and purée.
In a shaker, combine 1 tablespoon purée with the sugar, lime and mint and mash with a muddler or wooden spoon. Add ice and the rums. Cover and shake vigorously. Strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with the mango slice.
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~P Vagina Drink Recipe

The ~P Vagina Drink
3/4 oz. Vodka, raspberry
3/4 oz. Vodka, vanilla
Fill with 7-up
1 splash Cranberry Juice
1 splash Sour Mix

Mixing Instructions:
Add flavored vodkas to a highball glass with ice.
Add a dash of sour mix, then fill with 7-up.
Splash cranberry juice on top.

Come taste