Advertising as a submissive but not screening clients

boomvang's Avatar
I need someone that could get through to a 20 year that's invincible or so she thinks. A friend of a subar baby I met on SA has decided that she is going to enter the hobby world as a full blown BDSM submissive. She plans to allow full bondage, blindfolds where ever the client desires right from the first meeting. She is going to list herself on SA amongst the sugar babies I just learned about this a few minutes ago and it freaks me just thinking about it. She was there in the room with my sugar baby and they were texting me her plans. I ask to just be on speaker phone for a few minutes, No she knows what she is doing and won't listen to some man that has every kind of restraint known in and around his bed. I did some role play with my friend and she enjoyed the hell out it. But as far as Doms go I'm not much, One woman called me a pleasure dom. I kind of like it so I stuck with it. So I'm

Boomvang N.M.T.
Pleasure Dom


Catchy i know. N.M.T. is No Marks Tomorrow

Tell me something I can tell this girl. She's going to let strangers with no screening tie her up. I predicted that she would be bare backed against her will in the first week.
Ain't no way in hell.......
needingmilking's Avatar
You really cant tell an adult what to do.
Maybe just share her ad info, we can try to tell her :-)
mtabsw's Avatar
Many things can be taught - some things must be learned. Hope she doesn't get hurt in the process, but you're pissing into the wind thinking you have something she wants to hear.
Gasp.....Please suggest she speak with some of us mature providers for advice. Maybe she would listen if it came from another lady. Unfortunately, some people just have to learn the hardway or die trying.
She's going to let strangers with no screening tie her up................I predicted that she would be bare backed against her will in the first week. Originally Posted by boomvang
And that's not the worst thing that could occur. It's not the things that you can envision that might take's the things you "can't" think of. Pretty scary sh*t out there; sounds like she could use a seasoned mentor's advice / opinion.
The world is very crazy indeed... All you can do is give her advise and have her seek advise from experience providers. At the end of the day she's going to do what she wants to do.
boomvang's Avatar
I didn't ask, but I wonder if she saw 50 Shades of Grey? Lots of times people that young think things are just like in the movies. It makes you men run out and join the military. 50 Shades could be the Pretty Woman of the Millennials
Like others have stated, Maybe talking with other providers, especially ones who participate in BDSM, can give her advice and help her understand the concerns that comes with a decision like this. Maybe that provider can share something from her own personal experiences, that will make her hesitate think about it before she dive in head first in shallow water.
icansmile's Avatar
She will find out quickly the extent of masochist. Hopefully sooner than later. A lot of masochists WANT to learn the hard way, but that is a very dangerous way to go about it.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
She don't wanna be saved, don't save her...
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-12-2016, 02:10 PM
You really cant tell an adult what to do.
Maybe just share her ad info, we can try to tell her :-) Originally Posted by needingmilking
She might get it in the butt the first day, she'll learn after that
needingmilking's Avatar
So... did she post her ad? I mean, i am worried about her...
boomvang's Avatar
So... did she post her ad? I mean, i am worried about her... Originally Posted by needingmilking
As a matter of fact I just heard she deleted her account entirely. I appreciate everybody's post. I sent the cousin the link to this thread this morning and I believe sobriety and hearing the same things I said repeated by others helped convince her this wasn't a good idea.

I am partially responsible for this girl thinking this would be fun. I have a scene I ask every new provider, sugar baby or civilian woman I meet online if they will play out with me the first time we meet. There are some providers here and on P411 that have done this with me. One provider on P411 enjoyed it enough that she sent an UTR girlfriend to do it too.

The cousin I met on SA did it with the upgrade. What I do for everyone but I explain the importance to the inexperienced girls. I am absolutely transparent with my RL info. I tell them to leave it with someone that knows the schedule and tell them they will be calling in. I was outed a few years ago but I was single at the time as well as now. My career is old news and mom died, who are they going to tell? I don't discuss the hobby much with RL friends and if they are my friends even if they found out it wouldn't come as much of a surprise to anybody. I have had civilian women say OMG that is so hot. I have had seasoned ECCIE providers go OH HELL NO. But there is no bondage, pain, humiliation or blindfold in my basic scene. The upgrade has light bondage and a blindfold. I sold that version the cousin.

It’s undeniably hypocritical for me to try to get women to do this but to come undone when I think it’s not going to be me. I know what's in my head and I have had glimpses of what's in some other hobbyist's heads too. The Horror!!

This isn't the only thing I have a double standard on I'm afraid, But she's seen the light now. So thanks for that,

Should anyone not be completely up to speed on my kinks send me a PM.


needingmilking's Avatar
You had to be the kill joy....
Now what i do with my rope and hard on?