I saw where people are hoarding Twinkies now

coast_encounter's Avatar
I personally have not had a Twinkie in about 10 years. But it is kind of sad. So long old friend.

Lol yea everyone is crying over the twinkles but what about the chocolate cupcakes??? My faves : (
coast_encounter's Avatar
OMG. I forgot about those. They are yummy. I think there are other companies that make similar products so I assume they will pick up the product line.

coast_encounter's Avatar
I have an idea for next years Halloween costume.

Its sad to see another American icon disappear into the horizon. However!
The dress would have to be made of chocolate shell and whipped cream for the swirly thingy! Now THAT would be one helluva cupcake!
I used to get deep fried Twinkies in downtown Las Vegas. I know that the idea of a deep fried Twinkie might sound off the wall, but they were SO good. RIP...........
DallasRain's Avatar
I like cupcakes & ding dongs!
Gonna miss the occasional deep fried Twinkie in Las Vegas......
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Hopefully, someone will buy out the company.

raedy4funn45's Avatar
Give it a year or so and Twinkies will be back. The price will be higher and so will demand.

They better bring Twinkies back... I never had one deep fried!
FigiteyPudge's Avatar
It is only Twinkies and Ding Dongs that are in trouble. But Twinkies are supposedly able to survive a nuclear holocaust so this should be just a speed bump for them. Little Debbie and the other snack cake companies are probably sitting around the table like some hungry dogs waiting for someone to drop a piece of food on the floor.
  • Paven
  • 11-27-2012, 06:54 PM
I like Twinkies but I haven't had one in a long time now I don't know when or if I'll ever have one again .

The myth about them lasting forever is just that a myth.
FigiteyPudge's Avatar
Yea, when i sold them in my store they would go out of date quick. The Hostess rep didn't think it was funny when I called him out on that one.