Im bored on Valentines day

what's everyone up to?
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Excellent thread.

I'm thinking about things.

Very happy about the performance of the DJIA.

Wondering about shit.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I see some hooks are able to take advantage of acknowledging pagan and other lesser holidays as a way of squeezing money out of their victims and others are not.

Utilizing the greeting card approach to hooking seems like it would probably work.

I've had females in my life try to take advantage and play the girl card on their birthdays (big one). Mother's Day (truly manipulative), and other bullshit holidays. It's decent strategy.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Djia? Originally Posted by Angel T
Sorry, it's a stupid macroeconomic pseudo-measure of the performance of publicly traded enterprises.

I have a lot of questions for reasonable people but most of them are going to be taken as aggressions or antagonistic nonsense.

It's a curse.
Ok then
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Sorry for polluting your thread.

Please have a wonderful evening.
No problem, I'm just bored and looking for something to do
Next Best Thing's Avatar
One day when you have a ton of time listen to Sam Harris have a field day blasting off against religious dogma.
No problem sweetheart I'm just bored and looking for something to do
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I understand.

Maybe you should try drinking yourself into a stupor. I do it like once every ten days, maybe two weeks.
Plastic Man's Avatar
No problem, I'm just bored and looking for something to do Originally Posted by Angel T
what bouts friendly banter with yer ...plastic man?

...there be a sayin thats ...once ya go plastic yer vagina ...feels fantastic

...there be a sayin thats ...once ya go plastic yer vagina ...feels fantastic Originally Posted by Plastic Man
It seems it was awful quiet here on this site today.... except for the loosers that were posting their next best thoughts....
I fucked Aaliyah Pressly this morning.... then had a busy day. Review coming soon though!!
What a nice Valentine's Day Treat!!
Next Best Thing's Avatar
It seems it was awful quiet here on this site today.... except for the loosers that were posting their next best thoughts....
I fucked Aaliyah Pressly this morning.... then had a busy day. Review coming soon though!!
What a nice Valentine's Day Treat!! Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Paul when you write the review don't forget to mention the sensitive tear-jerking Valentines Day card you put the $200+ in.

I'd ask you if you brought a box of chocolates or flowers but it goes without saying that most of your hooks prefer chocolate. Really you should just diespense with the formalities and bring a pepperoni pizza, but that's probably not romantic enough for you.