Todays Question...

What Do You Like On Your Pizza?
(Yes, I'm Still Bored. Lol)
Wow! 62 views and not one of you can answer the question....
Y'all must hate pizza
Plastic Man's Avatar
plastic man ...likes em some a them slim ...jims on his pizza
Round or sheet pizza to me it makes a difference
Round or sheet pizza to me it makes a difference Originally Posted by mrf150
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I used to slither over to Bennington Vermont about 10 years ago to bang out a hook who went to RPI. I did this on the regular. This hook maintained that pizza was the "perfect food".

She was 5'10 and usually weighed in the 140's. She had an athlete's body.

This hook would eat pizza with anything on it, from any place.
three cheese ricotta for round and honey mustard chicken sheet. And you?
three cheese ricotta for round and honey mustard chicken sheet. And you? Originally Posted by mrf150
Don't like ricotta. The honey mustard chicken sounds good though.

Personally I like pepperoni and bacon or pepperoni and pineapple. Also like the steak pizza with boss sauce from Salvatore's.
Now my greedy ass wants pizza with pineapples
Ceremony's Avatar
Buffalo chicken wing topping. Best of both worlds rolled into on.
Buffalo chicken wing topping. Best of both worlds rolled into on. Originally Posted by Ceremony
Agreed, definitely a good choice
Lexxxy's Avatar
What I miss most about my SD living in lockport is Molinaro's stuffed pepper pizza, I haven't had it since april! Other than that I'm simple, I just like extra cheese with pepperoni...sometimes I like ranch to dip it in or franks. I don't eat pizza much, it's just kind of one of those late night traveling things or when I get drunk I need pizza or pasta. Maybe that's why I've never had a hang over before.
Lexxxy's Avatar
Buffalo chicken wing topping. Best of both worlds rolled into on. Originally Posted by Ceremony
I hate blue cheese and most places put it on wing pizza
Pepperoni, Onion, Extra Cheese.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
my SD was a f'n feeder whew