Ladies input. His role.


Besides the obvious; unsealed envelope, arrival shower and fresh breath, what are your top three things a man can do to make sure his time with you will be the best experience he will ever have?
  • pxmcc
  • 02-23-2019, 05:42 PM
oohh kewl question. how to get your mileage not to vary quite so much..
I had to come up with an etiquette policy, that's on my website. It has to be read and acknowledged before you can even book an appointment with me. It's pretty much me helping the gentlemen out and saying hey this is what can derail an appointment and I'm letting you know in advance so there's no issues.
CurvyKatie's Avatar
Besides the usual showering before a session, etc., there are a few things that I can think of that stand out as bonuses in my book.

I had a guy bring me chocolate with M&Ms today. I thought it was really sweet. It's always a nice touch when a guy brings something extra with him, it doesn't have to be anything extravagant, but that little extra touch always let's me know he put in some extra thought and starts things off on the right foot.

When a guy spends a little extra attention to detail and takes his shoes off before stepping on the carpet or folds the towels he uses in the bathroom, I find it really charming that he goes that extra step to keep the place from looking like a tornado hit.

I am a sucker for a soft, slow caress and gentle fingernails down the skin always get the goosebumps going. I really hate aggressive yanking and pulling, but a gentle strokes especially down the back of the neck and down the spine will get me every time.

Bonus points if a guy can give a decent massage, especially the neck/shoulders/feet. The surefire secret to get me to completely forget what time it is and lose myself in a session is when I meet a man with magic hands. I am pretty much putty when I meet a pair of magic hands.

I swear to God there is some magic connection between my nipples and my g spot, cause a gentle breast massage and lots of nipple sucking will get me turned on like nobody's business. I think if you ask any girl which spots get her going, she can tell you what specifically works for her, but for me the nipples really get me turned on.

Something else that is really nice is getting that message later when someone really enjoyed their time with you just to tell you they had fun, and they just let you know how much they appreciated it. It's a nice touch that really helps me look forward to seeing someone again, since I know we really clicked the last time.
Just be a nice guy period. Assholes never help. Lol
Besides the usual showering before a session, etc., there are a few things that I can think of that stand out as bonuses in my book.

I had a guy bring me chocolate with M&Ms today. I thought it was really sweet. It's always a nice touch when a guy brings something extra with him, it doesn't have to be anything extravagant, but that little extra touch always let's me know he put in some extra thought and starts things off on the right foot.

When a guy spends a little extra attention to detail and takes his shoes off before stepping on the carpet or folds the towels he uses in the bathroom, I find it really charming that he goes that extra step to keep the place from looking like a tornado hit.

I am a sucker for a soft, slow caress and gentle fingernails down the skin always get the goosebumps going. I really hate aggressive yanking and pulling, but a gentle strokes especially down the back of the neck and down the spine will get me every time.

Bonus points if a guy can give a decent massage, especially the neck/shoulders/feet. The surefire secret to get me to completely forget what time it is and lose myself in a session is when I meet a man with magic hands. I am pretty much putty when I meet a pair of magic hands.

I swear to God there is some magic connection between my nipples and my g spot, cause a gentle breast massage and lots of nipple sucking will get me turned on like nobody's business. I think if you ask any girl which spots get her going, she can tell you what specifically works for her, but for me the nipples really get me turned on.

Something else that is really nice is getting that message later when someone really enjoyed their time with you just to tell you they had fun, and they just let you know how much they appreciated it. It's a nice touch that really helps me look forward to seeing someone again, since I know we really clicked the last time. Originally Posted by CurvyKatie
This shit was exhausting to read. Like seriously, if I met a foooking bad bitch in the world and she said this I would look at her crazy. Chlovo, like you look reasonably attractive and I love your pale skin in your pictures but shit like this makes me wonder where you are coming from. Like this is too much work. Sounds to much like some shit I'll do for my girlfriend or wife and at least with her if my black ass gets sick she'll lay on the cot next to me. Like the original question was throwed off because it's simple. Go in an incall, look under the bed and head to the shower to make sure no pimp is hiding to rob you. Lock the door, drop the donation then don't be a foooking weirdo. I can't even remember all you said. Then I have to make a substantial donation, your hourly rate. Hell fooo ooo ooo king no in my best stammering voice. With your list you need to foooking pay me. Guys play big money games here but I have to work a lot of hours to afford a one hour session. In the session I'm a total sweetheart but I would slap myself twice if I even thought about doing all this. Even the guy who you fuck for free ain't doing all this. Besos. Tooodlez.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-24-2019, 04:36 AM
nope shine, Katie gave some great advice. absolutely spot on.
Why would you care? You are paying for it?
CurvyKatie's Avatar
This shit was exhausting to read. Like seriously, if I met a foooking bad bitch in the world and she said this I would look at her crazy. Chlovo, like you look reasonably attractive and I love your pale skin in your pictures but shit like this makes me wonder where you are coming from. Like this is too much work. Sounds to much like some shit I'll do for my girlfriend or wife and at least with her if my black ass gets sick she'll lay on the cot next to me. Like the original question was throwed off because it's simple. Go in an incall, look under the bed and head to the shower to make sure no pimp is hiding to rob you. Lock the door, drop the donation then don't be a foooking weirdo. I can't even remember all you said. Then I have to make a substantial donation, your hourly rate. Hell fooo ooo ooo king no in my best stammering voice. With your list you need to foooking pay me. Guys play big money games here but I have to work a lot of hours to afford a one hour session. In the session I'm a total sweetheart but I would slap myself twice if I even thought about doing all this. Even the guy who you fuck for free ain't doing all this. Besos. Tooodlez. Originally Posted by shinepro
Like I said before, your opinion is irrelevant to me.
CurvyKatie's Avatar
nope shine, Katie gave some great advice. absolutely spot on. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Thanks pxmcc. I know every girl is different but I think most can agree with some of the points I came up with.

Also I love a guy who is verbally affirming. Sometimes it makes me nervous when I am putting in my best effort and the guy is just stone cold silent, but when a guy keeps telling me how great I am doing or how much fun he is having I feel encouraged. Of course we are all suckers for a little flattery.
Shinepro - your post was rude, mean and uncalled for.

Ladies, I apologize for Shinepro's post. I had hoped the men bere would be gentleman and help facilitate a safe place for you to give honest responses.

Katie, thank you for sharing.

I hope other ladies will not feel deterred from sharing because of his behavior.
This shit was exhausting to read. Like seriously, if I met a foooking bad bitch in the world and she said this I would look at her crazy. Chlovo, like you look reasonably attractive and I love your pale skin in your pictures but shit like this makes me wonder where you are coming from. Like this is too much work. Sounds to much like some shit I'll do for my girlfriend or wife and at least with her if my black ass gets sick she'll lay on the cot next to me. Like the original question was throwed off because it's simple. Go in an incall, look under the bed and head to the shower to make sure no pimp is hiding to rob you. Lock the door, drop the donation then don't be a foooking weirdo. I can't even remember all you said. Then I have to make a substantial donation, your hourly rate. Hell fooo ooo ooo king no in my best stammering voice. With your list you need to foooking pay me. Guys play big money games here but I have to work a lot of hours to afford a one hour session. In the session I'm a total sweetheart but I would slap myself twice if I even thought about doing all this. Even the guy who you fuck for free ain't doing all this. Besos. Tooodlez. Originally Posted by shinepro
Sorry Shine, I find your shit exhausting to read. Have you ever heard of hitting the Return once in awhile to break your text up?
boardman's Avatar
Besides the usual showering before a session, etc., there are a few things that I can think of that stand out as bonuses in my book.

I had a guy bring me chocolate with M&Ms today. I thought it was really sweet. It's always a nice touch when a guy brings something extra with him, it doesn't have to be anything extravagant, but that little extra touch always let's me know he put in some extra thought and starts things off on the right foot.

When a guy spends a little extra attention to detail and takes his shoes off before stepping on the carpet or folds the towels he uses in the bathroom, I find it really charming that he goes that extra step to keep the place from looking like a tornado hit.

I am a sucker for a soft, slow caress and gentle fingernails down the skin always get the goosebumps going. I really hate aggressive yanking and pulling, but a gentle strokes especially down the back of the neck and down the spine will get me every time.

Bonus points if a guy can give a decent massage, especially the neck/shoulders/feet. The surefire secret to get me to completely forget what time it is and lose myself in a session is when I meet a man with magic hands. I am pretty much putty when I meet a pair of magic hands.

I swear to God there is some magic connection between my nipples and my g spot, cause a gentle breast massage and lots of nipple sucking will get me turned on like nobody's business. I think if you ask any girl which spots get her going, she can tell you what specifically works for her, but for me the nipples really get me turned on.

Something else that is really nice is getting that message later when someone really enjoyed their time with you just to tell you they had fun, and they just let you know how much they appreciated it. It's a nice touch that really helps me look forward to seeing someone again, since I know we really clicked the last time. Originally Posted by CurvyKatie

I think Shine is a complete idiot.
Your advice is enlightening. Thanks, it's nice to know that providers really can get into a session as much as we can.
Aweshucks's Avatar
Besides the usual showering before a session, etc., there are a few things that I can think of that stand out as bonuses in my book.

I had a guy bring me chocolate with M&Ms today. I thought it was really sweet. It's always a nice touch when a guy brings something extra with him, it doesn't have to be anything extravagant, but that little extra touch always let's me know he put in some extra thought and starts things off on the right foot.

When a guy spends a little extra attention to detail and takes his shoes off before stepping on the carpet or folds the towels he uses in the bathroom, I find it really charming that he goes that extra step to keep the place from looking like a tornado hit.

I am a sucker for a soft, slow caress and gentle fingernails down the skin always get the goosebumps going. I really hate aggressive yanking and pulling, but a gentle strokes especially down the back of the neck and down the spine will get me every time.

Bonus points if a guy can give a decent massage, especially the neck/shoulders/feet. The surefire secret to get me to completely forget what time it is and lose myself in a session is when I meet a man with magic hands. I am pretty much putty when I meet a pair of magic hands.

I swear to God there is some magic connection between my nipples and my g spot, cause a gentle breast massage and lots of nipple sucking will get me turned on like nobody's business. I think if you ask any girl which spots get her going, she can tell you what specifically works for her, but for me the nipples really get me turned on.

Something else that is really nice is getting that message later when someone really enjoyed their time with you just to tell you they had fun, and they just let you know how much they appreciated it. It's a nice touch that really helps me look forward to seeing someone again, since I know we really clicked the last time. Originally Posted by CurvyKatie
Great advice. Very helpful!
CurvyKatie's Avatar
Sorry Shine, I find your shit exhausting to read. Have you ever heard of hitting the Return once in awhile to break your text up? Originally Posted by Oldrogue
Your comment reminds me of this article