A question for the provider or hobbyiest

I have been contemplating seeing s new local woman that only has one kind of vague review. What I am wondering is if their is an okay way to ask if MSOG is okay or not. Anybody got any help?
Good question. There are alot of things to consider here. Since you're new yourself, and presumably this provider is new, we don't have much to go on. Where is the review? Can you you contact the reviewer and ask more about his experience?

Does the lady have a website? It might give you some insight. Generally, after screening, you can ask more detailed questions but keep in mind that like anything, there is a proper time and place. Dogging the provider with questions via text and email probably won't get you anywhere except on the ignore list.

Be kind, considerate, careful, and conversational with her. And talk it up around here. Chances are someone knows her and can give you a better idea.

If all else fails, you can assume she allows it. Most do, it seems.

All the best in your search.
It is on naughty reviews so I didn't see how to contact the reviewer. Unfortunately I have been burned a few times in the past when the little head starts doing all the thinking. I used to rely alot on TER and e.com I am fairly new to finding this site. I just am trying to get wiser as I get older and wonder if anybody has ever figured out the tactful way to do this.
But her name is Renata Vegas if anybody has seen her that has not written a review.
Cpalmson's Avatar
MSOG is an absolute must for me. I read reviews and eliminate providers if it is clear MSOG is not available. It is a science to read between the lines of reviews. Here are some guidelines to use.

1) Be cautious of providers who only advertise on BP. These are the cash and dash type who are simply looking for a buck; however, these are the same providers who are not as sophisticated enough to have their own websites, so flat out asking them might be the best route.

2) Ask a reviewer or someone who has been with a particular provider. If the guy knows, most will likely give you an answer. I will.

3) If you can, become a member of P411. Some providers will list activities they will engage in (i.e. BBBJ, CG, Greek, MSOG, etc). Not every provider on P411 offers this info, but if she does, you then know.

4) For the more reputable providers (i.e. the ones who have their own websites and/or a presence on boards like ECCIE), get pre-screened by the provider. Once she agrees to see you, then ask. She may or may not respond, but with the more experienced girls, waiting until after being accepted is probably the best route to go when asking any service related question.

5) If MSOG is that important and you want to know without going through any screening process, then just ask. If you do this, be prepared for a rude response, no response, or an actual reply to your question. All providers are different and will re-act based on their personality.

6) As with anything related to the hobby, everything is YMMV. If she was MSOG with client X, she may not be willing to MSOG with client y.
New Guy pump your brakes man. P'cola is a fair size city but not big enough for nobody here to not have something on the lady you're looking at. I can pm you some names from here that you will like that are msog. If you're like me you came to eccie to reduce the risk of wasting your time, money, and most importantly your safety. So now you gotta ask your self" Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya!?
NewGuy (and you know that handle is going to become passe if you post and hobby long enough...), some of those review sites have no built in accountability. The lady could be creating anonymous user names and reviewing herself.
New Guy, I would stay away from that site, there are so many other girls available in your area that, it's not worth your safety or even the hassle to do the research on your own. Look thru the North FL section of ECCIE of the Independent Provider Reviews and compile a list of ladies in your area that have a review that lists MSOG. Pick a lady that you want to see from that list and you will probably be satisfied with the experience.
Lots of great info. I"m with Cpal that MSOG is a bare min. for me to see someone. If its not there i'm not waisting my time or money. You can eliminate that by seeing someone who has more reviews or talk to your fellow hobbist and see if they might can answer that question for you. Happy Holidays and play safe!!!
Mr.Kilgore's Avatar
New Guy, can you post a link to her ad? I may be able to help you if she's been around a while in P'cola. I am sure that would help the other guys out that may have also seen her.
NR = http://www.naughtyreviews.com/escort...s-white-female
EROS = http://www.eros-alabama.com/files/249181.htm

IDK if MSOG is available. I don't really trust NR since it has been built primarily based on ads from Backpage, Eros, etc. rather than sites like long established review boards which are primarily based on a lady's subscription.

FYI, FWIW, there does not appear to be anything on her at TER (no match on name, phone or email), and if she is that hot and originating out of LV, you would expect a TER profile.
Panama Grey's Avatar
I wouldn't put much stock in that NR review. It is the sole post by an account that has existed for two whole weeks. Smells a fishy to me. Google the number, the name, the mail address - whatever you have available - and do your homework. (The idea of a provider that takes credit cards just baffles me. I can't imagine being desperate enough to put that much of my real identity on the line.)

Let us know how it goes if you take the plunge.

Be careful out there!
Ok. I just checked out both links and her website. They're all pretty vague especially the website. If this is really a girl that works in Vegas I would think her website would have a lot more detail. There's a lot of competition in Vegas for a provider and her pics may be hot but every provider in Vegas is hot. You may not get ripped off and you may have a great time with this girl if you go through with it, I mean the pics are hot. But I would think a beautiful provider that works in vegas would have a lot of information available on the internet. From reviews, ads, and just by trying to get her name out there because of the competition in Vegas. My dick says do it she's hot. My brain says go with a verified and trusted provider. You just had a great on post on this thread.