A little getaway and was needing some information on the area please?

I'm not a big shopper, but love a wonderful quaint atmosphere at a good eatery! I also love to sight see, as well as maybe any wine tasting events. I was wondering what Pensacola has to offer exactly as this will be my first visit in years. Any information the gents and ladies have would be delightful!
Mina, downtown Pensacola is a good place to start. Several good restaurants, including Tapas and Brazilian Steakhouse. There is also a nice wine bar with a good wine and cheese selection. Weather looks good this weekend too. A stroll on the beach would be another option. Enjoy

dongho's Avatar
Id definately recomend those places also mguires os awsome and like he said downtown is beautiful to walk around also pensacola bay and if you keep driving at the end.of the beach its alot more calmer and prettier if you ask me.
thanks guys! i very much appreciate the info. could you possibly pm me the address of the wine bar and some of the good hotels that are not 300 a night lol, wow they really spike the cost of rooms i see during spring break!
quick thank you for the guys who helped out with the selections of plans and rooms that were reasonable, my stay was quite relaxing and i liked the museums that were downtown! will definitely come back very soon!