Soooo Much Drama! Lets Lighten Things Up A Bit..

Where's The Fun at People? Some people just loooooove the drama. I dont know about most of you... but save the drama for your S/O.. THIS hobby Should Be About THE FUN!
SOOO Lets Have A Lively FUN Discussion... Ladies.. you know the money is good... but hes just a little too PSYCHO... GUYS.. the pussy is good but shes just a little too crazy.. In Your Own Experience.. What Are The Top Reasons You Had To Cut Someone Off From The Hobby???

1. On overnight playdates they took creepy pictures of you sleeping.. made even creepier memes out of them and randomly sent them to you.... (CREEEEEEPER ALERT)

2. You planned on seeing them later that night, but they still send A DOZEN RED ROSES to the front Desk of your INCALL... ( WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT??)

3.Youre half way across the world .. and they find out where you are staying.. and send roses to your incall.. ( Again.. CREEEEEEPY)

4. When you look at your text history... and you have 10s of thousands of text messages from 1 PERSON..... bC they text you from the time you waKE up... until the time you go to bed... EVERY FUCKING DAY. (IF Im spending atleast an hr or 2 EVERYDAY reading and responding to your texts.. IM NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND FUCK U PAY ME)

5. They send you ATLEAST 50 memes a day
.. ON TOP of their messages..

6 They tell you they love you... REPEATEDLY. ( CMMMMMMON MAN)

7. They try to plan for YOUR future.

8. They stalk your personal facebook page and have the nerve to throw a TANTRUM because you blocked them.


10. They show pictures of you to their kids... ( *FACEPALM*)

11. They invite you over for a playdate and theres 3 people hanging out in their driveway like its the thing. ( discretion much??)
12. They become verbally/ emotionally abusive. ( WHO THE FUCK DO THEY THINK THEY ARE)
13. They try to pick fights with you like youre MARRIED. ( SORRY.. You can never pay me enough to deal with that bullshit.)

14. When they invite to a concert and politely decline... and they get so mad they end up not only threaten you THEY ALSO THREATEN THE SAFETY OF YOUR FAMILY. ( E.I. start looking over ur shoulder. The longer u drag this out, the more pissed I get. You can leave town but others can't. And I have resources)

15. Even after you broke things off... and u blocked their number.. you still have over 250 mssg in your spam folder ranging from ..' please call me before u leave.. 'I'll always be there for u' to sending u pictures you've posted online saying he would send them to MORE people and OUT YOU EVEN MORE' ( yes they broke the cardinal rule.. they OUTTED you. I don't care what circumstances are going on.. the number 1 rule is you NEVER OUT someone...) but that's my bad I should've known.. bc now I know most providers on this boards REAL NAME AS WELL) yes... LADIES THATS RIGHT.. if you've seen a certain someone.. and he knows ANYTHING personal about u .. 9 times OUT of 10 I now know it too.. bc that's what assholes do... THEY OUT PEOPLE. BUT DONT FRET.. I actually know how to keep my mouth shut.. your RL info is safe with me :-)

Ohhhh theres wayyyyyy more ill be adding to this list as well.

So yeah lets keep this fun and lively. Lol Feel Free To Add Your Own Experiences
16. LITTERALLY.. *TO THE MINUTE* of you posting this thread.. the creeper TEXTS your phone again.

17. When they send you threats to 'beat the fuck out of you.' * So Now Its Okay to threaten to beat the fuck out of a woman?? *
Self edited.. i think my points been proven... back to the FUN.
newyorkboy's Avatar
I always enjoy a good fairy tale. Two things: I would NEVER lay a
violent hand on a woman except to defend myself, and I'm not "outing" anyone! Oh, and the "stalking". Yeah I sent you flowers, once in Omaha where everyone knows u stay, and once in Hawaii where your hotel was on my credit card bill. Great sleuthing on my part and sorry for trying to cheer up those down days caused by that cow you insist traveling with. Basically, you got greedy, I got stupid. End of story. You railed against each Alexis Madison, now you've become he. If anything else between us occurs it will be done away from here legally.
newyorkboy's Avatar
Pay them for services rendered. Nothing more, nothing less
newyorkboy's Avatar
Well just got notified that you force charged $1200 for your car rental on the credit card I canceled. Strong work! I tip my hat to you. I'm going to refute it of course, but will probably end up eating it. See how this works ladies and gents?
burkalini's Avatar
All I can say is wow. What happened to fuckem and leave em. I have been with Kay a few times. She is one of the few I can't last with. I don't know anything about her personally and she doesn't know anything about me personally. I like it like that and I hope she does too. I don't think I have ever heard of a guy getting personally or financially too involved working out well. Hopefully he and she will cross this one out to experience and go on with fun filled fucking and sucking. No blame here at all with anyone other than from an exterior stance this just looks fucked up for everybody.
newyorkboy's Avatar
All I can say is wow. What happened to fuckem and leave em. I have been with Kay a few times. She is one of the few I can't last with. I don't know anything about her personally and she doesn't know anything about me personally. I like it like that and I hope she does too. I don't think I have ever heard of a guy getting personally or financially too involved working out well. Hopefully he and she will cross this one out to experience and go on with fun filled fucking and sucking. No blame here at all with anyone other than from an exterior stance this just looks fucked up for everybody. Originally Posted by burkalini
Well said. No looking for ANYONE to take sides here. It is what it is.
this is same lady?
newyorkboy's Avatar
Yes sir! Now you understand the WHY! Lol
Room Service's Avatar
Wish i could see you again so i could stalk you!!! miss ya Kay. Never done stalking before but bet its fun with you...
Wish i could see you again so i could stalk you!!! miss ya Kay. Never done stalking before but bet its fun with you... Originally Posted by Room Service
Lol you can stalk me anytime lol. I miss u babe. It has been wayyyyy too long since ive had the pleasure of you. We REALLLLLY need to work on changing that sooner rather than later
You nutty guys! We should pay you both for the entertainment value! Only in America!
I'd smash...
newyorkboy's Avatar
You nutty guys! We should pay you both for the entertainment value! Only in America! Originally Posted by w1nd3rf00l
Guess what? She'd take it!