A Reminder of Why We Guys Are Here...

Randy4Candy's Avatar
...this little pearl of wisdom was just sent to my by one of my buds:

"All men are seduced into believing they're marrying nymphomaniacs.
The problem is, after a few years, the nympho leaves....
But the fucking maniac stays on."

Just a little reminder
Too funny, this is why I love psychology... I would much rather have fun sex for the rest of my life then spend even one second in a marriage without it. Thankfully I here you can have it both ways...

"All men are seduced into believing they're marrying nymphomaniacs.
The problem is, after a few years, the nympho leaves....
But the fucking maniac stays on."... Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Years? Did you mean, 'weeks?'
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Years? Did you mean, 'weeks?' Originally Posted by JDNorthface
LOL, JD - those were his words, not mine - I'm a little more prone to agree with you on it, though.

Do you know why the bride is the happiest person in the room? No more blowjobs!
LOL, JD - those were his words, not mine - I'm a little more prone to agree with you on it, though.

Do you know why the bride is the happiest person in the room? No more blowjobs! Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Ah yes, marriage. That greatest of all economic stimuli fostering growth in the world's oldest profession...

I think women are contractually required to refrain from oral sex upon signing the marriage license.
pyramider's Avatar
You need to read the small print.