So I was just curious, and trust me when I say it never killed this cat... >mind drifting<......mmmmmmmm (pro u feel me)
Pretend that a woman had infiltrated this site as a dude (which I'm told has happened) what if that handle became a that you ALL respected..(see how this is definitely make believe) prob couldn't happen I dunno the requirements to being crosswalk patrol whether it be The Voice calling you, or having to kiss+ the faculty, or or just be one of the cool kids and chosen by other cool kids...which is also why I wld never get to be CP. >grumbles quietly< the bastards. Hmmm...prob should not write on these things when I don't take my adderall.
Edited: what would you guys do then? And or has this ever happened? And no mfer I'm in the clouds.....