I am soon going to my first trip to Vegas and was curious on the locals thoughts on brothels versus escorts.
A brothel has always been kind of a bucket list experience but not sure if others find it a good time. I understand the cost will be higher but my concern is paying a premium for a disappointing experience as I often have with escorts.
For the escort route what are the best sites to find ladies who do outcalls to the strip?
Originally Posted by IAassman
Same issues for vegas as any city. Brothels... It's been several years since I've been, but I would go to the smaller ones up north across i-80. When I was trucking and it was convenient, but still disappointing, some were good, but still a crap shoot girl to girl in the same house. I was already there and didn't commute an hour one-way to get disappointed.
You can have good or bad luck, you can read reviews (liars), pictures (old, shopped or fake), everyone has had a great experience with a girl, except you.
Personally, I will find a girl on Tryst or PD using the search, you get a picture, price list (usually) and a phone number and then go from there.
Not always bad service but not great either from most indys have led me to the AMPs or K-Agencies.
Plus depends on what you want and consider a good/bad experience compared to the next guy.
Come up with more detailed questions or a girl or 2 as a starting point, will get you more detailed answers.