
DaDuchess's Avatar
Why is it a good review is met with suspicion? I understand the gentleman didn't have reviews previously but is it really that far fetched to you all that he would make an account to review me? I've been pushing reviews heavily lately because I feel I don't have that many for the couple years I've been doing this.

It's clear the suspicious ones haven't met me because if you had you would see I'm incredibly honest and my service speaks for itself No reason for me to fake anything, because I enjoy my clients and that feeling is clearly mutual - seeing as I've never had a bad review.

Hope everyone has the days they deserve
DaDuchess's Avatar
Lol. Because we're able to see encounters and the replies? like come on. ._.
DaDuchess's Avatar
-Yawns and sips tea- yep it's all my fake accounts. SO obvious.... couldn't be I'm just that close to my clients that they'll tell me the shit ya'll talk right?.... You sound ridiculous.
Originally Posted by merz28
We have been around long enough to know everything we post will be seen by the ladies. Even in the men's room. I've had girls text me thanking me for a honest review even if we weren't 100% compatible. I realize this business is different strokes for different folks and we all have our own preferred type of experience. I read this guy's review. He just seems a little white night is all as he probably found his go to gal. I was like that with Jenny
Shay back in the day. (Damn what I would give for 1 more round with her)
You could have always sent me a DM to ask me to explain what I meant. I would be happy to explain. Frankly, when I see someone has just joined the day after he supposedly sees a provider I will view it with skepticism. Like someone just discovered this site after seeing a provider for the first time? Obviously as a newbie he hasn’t been able to see other reviews yet didn’t have the usual struggles writing one like most newbies. Just rarely happens. It came across as someone who knows far more than a newbie to this site. No where did I say it was because of your reputation or past reviews. I’ve never seen a bad review for you. Simple as that.
DaDuchess's Avatar
I'm just saying, it can shed providers in a bad light. Like I said, I've been trying to get my gentleman to leave me reviews because I feel I have very few for my time here. It can get frustrating when some of you question the newbies. I'm sure he didn't struggle with writing it because he's a researcher and I'm sure he did look at many before writing my review. I'm just saying I'm vouching for him and his review (although I can't see the details- don't worry) is quite accurate. Some people just really like me that much! No hard feelings at all. I just hope maybe in the future you'll consider the light that you can cast by questioning legit ladies reviews/ers.

Happy Tuesday everyone! Back to college today, 2 quarters left! Yay!
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 09-03-2024, 11:15 AM
Come to KC, just a few hours south. You're hot. I'd love to see you and write you a review.
If the face matches the body I am interested in meeting you, I try to leave reviews for all ladies I meet that are fair.
Gizmo4's Avatar
I’ve seen daduches and can tell you she’s everything I could have imagined. She gets extra credit just for being cool to hang out and talk to also !!!!
DaDuchess's Avatar
If the face matches the body I am interested in meeting you, I try to leave reviews for all ladies I meet that are fair. Originally Posted by Jessiecolter2019
All of my reviews mention me being attractive. Meet me and find out.