Rookie cop being a Damn Ass !!!

Carmella_love69's Avatar
So a little while earlier I am getting off the highway to head to my incall location, I get to the light and I stopped completely and turn on my turn signal... Few seconds later a cop pulls me over. I asked him why? He says that I didn't use my turn signal a few feet before I got to the light... I gave him that wtf look. After holding me up about 25 minutes he gives me a ticket. So not only do I have to pay a fine I just lost out on a 90-minute call. Asswhole
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 02-08-2018, 03:25 PM

A good driver always lets others know if he/she is going to turn or stop. Signaling communicates your intention when driving and
helps other drivers around you to plan ahead. A surprise move often results in a crash. Always be alert, watch for others, and give
signals for your movements.

Always signal when you are going to:
1. Change lanes
2. Make a turn
3. Pull away from a parking space parallel to the curb
4. Slow down or stop
5. Enter or leave a highway
6. Pull over to the side of the road

How to Signal

You may either use turn signal lights or hand and arm signals. If using hand signals, extend your hand and arm well out of the car window as shown below. Always make sure your signals can be easily seen by others, and signal in plenty of time.

Hand and arm signals are usually difficult to see during non-daylight hours, so it is important to make sure your signal lights are working properly.

When signaling a stop, pump your brakes a few times to attract attention.

Signal continuously for at least 100 feet before turning or stopping, and be sure to turn off your signal lights once your turn is complete.

Your unintended signal still means “turn” to other drivers. <-Texas DPS handbook, Chapter 6, Page 42, September 2017 edition.

I personally have major irritation with drivers that think "oh, what's the harm"... and put their personal wants over the safety of everyone.
CG2014's Avatar
You are supposed to put your turn signal on at least 100 feet before your turn (200 feet in the state of Indiana).

Texas DPS handbook, Chapter 6, Page 42, September 2017 edition

this is what happens when High Schools across the USA no longer hold driver's education and behind the wheel classroom courses for a full semester before allowing a teenager to go to the DMV/DPS to take their hardship/restricted driver's license written and driving test and leave the responsibility of teaching teenagers how to drive to their parents.

Half of the people out there from age 16 to whatever age do not know how to drive, the other half has no insurance and no driver's licenses or have suspended driver's license due to too many traffic citations and accidents.

If their parents were poor drivers or inexperienced drives and were the ones who taught them to drive, they will also become poor drivers.

Furthermore you now have driver's licenses written tests written in Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese and some other NON English languages.

So if you can't read English, do not speak English, do not understand English by hearing it, you can still take the driver's license written test
- so what does it matter if you can't read the road signs and messages signs on the freeways and highways that are written in English or the real time updated signs that flash messages like: "Construction ahead, slow down to 10 mph", "Icy roads ahead, slow down!"?

As long as you can push the accelerator pedal to the metal and hold on to that round thing in front of you with one hand, you are allowed to drive.

I kid you not!

There are people out there who gets behind the wheel of a car and think that one ton hunk of metal and plastic and glass and other materials on 4 wheels is supposed to just keep going forward and to hell with slowing down or stopping it.

Don't believe me?

Go out there on a rainy day or a snowy day or an icy day or a foggy day!!

Instead of slowing down and being cautious and driving defensively, most of the drivers out there speed up and are in more of a rush to get somewhere, drive even more aggressively, and do not obey traffic laws and signals that they would otherwise obey on a clear sunny day.

Especially women drivers in SUVs.

They think that SUV makes then unbreakable and invincible and unstoppable and it can turn on a dime at the last minute while IT'S STILL traveling forward at a speed that's unsafe for turns with 5Gs of force when in reality, the damn thing can flip over in a NY second.
billw1032's Avatar
Well, I was going to quote the Texas Drivers Handbook, but ~Ze~ beat me to it. And now CG. I remember this from Jr. High drivers ed, but it seems I remember 90 feet and I always thought that only applied to turning without a stop. Obviously it doesn't say that, so technically I guess the cop was correct. But what happens if you decide to turn after you stop? Are you supposed to back up 100 feet and signal? Or, you aren't allowed to turn and must go straight? Seems like there's something missing in this rule, or some judgment is called for here.

In college government class I had an assignment to ride along for half of a shift in a police patrol car. In reality, police often use minor infractions like this as an excuse to stop someone when they are really looking for something else. Unless it's a small town, in which case they're just trying to generate income for the city by giving tickets.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Dbl post
BBW Katrina's Avatar
100 ft rule ALWAYS.

I hate when I'm behind somebody and they don't turn on their turn signal until they're actually turning... Yeah, I don't need to know you're turning now that I can see that you're FUCKING turning...smh
CG2014's Avatar
It doesn't matter if you are making a left turn or a right turn at a green light or a right turn at a red light, you should still slow down and check for oncoming traffic and better yet, stop before you turn.

Don't just look for traffic coming from your left if you are making a right turn or traffic coming from the opposite direction if you are making a left turn.

Also look for traffic coming from the other directions and if there are shopping center nearby and side streets, keep an eye out on those too before making a right or left turn.

In other word look pretty much everywhere except behind you.

So the person behind you gets impatient and honk at you?

Fuck them!

You get into an accident without checking all possible flow of traffic, you are the one who will lose while the driver behind you who honked at you and made you rush through the turn without making sure first it's safe to do so, he is long gone and laughing all the way to his/her destination.

Furthermore, you may also get a ticket for failing to yield to traffic before turning or for making an unsafe turn which both are moving violations which will go against your driver's license point and cause your auto insurance to go up.
whitechocolate's Avatar
You should have showed him your showcase pic along with your license and winked!!!!
PeterBota's Avatar
So a little while earlier I am getting off the highway to head to my incall location, I get to the light and I stopped completely and turn on my turn signal... Few seconds later a cop pulls me over. I asked him why? He says that I didn't use my turn signal a few feet before I got to the light... I gave him that wtf look. After holding me up about 25 minutes he gives me a ticket. So not only do I have to pay a fine I just lost out on a 90-minute call. Asswhole Originally Posted by Carmella_love69
Fuck.... was he DPD ???
  • grean
  • 02-08-2018, 04:06 PM
That stinks. It does seem a bit assholish. I get the rules, but I do think he was picking on you a bit. I don't think they normally pull folks over for that. They obviously can, but don't.
Carmella my dear. He was targeting you for something if he kept you there for 25 minutes over a turn signal. Your plates or vehicle description probably triggered something. Have you had issues with tickets or bf using your car for other things. Just be aware.
And use your blinkers.
Hercules's Avatar
Carmella my dear. He was targeting you for something if he kept you there for 25 minutes over a turn signal. Originally Posted by lipsandhipster
That's what I was thinking too. Was either looking for something else or wanted her to perform a "special" breathalyzer.
DocHolyday's Avatar
What was LEO's excuse for detaining you that long? Request a driver safety course and get out of paying the fine amount. Then you are only stuck with the court costs and DDC fee, it's much cheaper!!
ManSlut's Avatar
My guess, he was Farmers Branch, Addison, Highland Park or University Park. A bunch of Barney Fifer’s in these Police Depts. Always trying to prove a point.
CG2014's Avatar
20-25 minutes is standard time to issue a traffic citation and run her vehicle's license plate/registration and her driver's license and insurance on the MDT.

The Supreme Court has ruled 20 minutes to be reasonable time for a Police Officer to check a driver's driver's license and registration and longer if a citation has to be issued.

So holding her for 25 minutes is not far off especially now the MDT also allows the Officer to check the validity of the proof of insurance and the State Inspection sticker.