Loss of a pet

Had to put my dog down. He was 18 & had heart issues. I've had many dogs before, but it never gets any easier to make that call. Consolation is I know that he is out of his misery & had a good, long life.

If you have a pet, give them an extra treat or hug today. They're such a joy.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
Will do sir I am very sorry for your loss i dont have a dog but 3 cats and i would feel lost with out them they really are my family
Sorry for your lost. I understand your pain. Just know they are waiting for you to join them again.
I am so sorry for your loss! I know this can be very hard. Sweet pets are such a joy and make a home a home.
Red_Headed_Julie's Avatar
I am so sorry for the loss of your furr baby It always hurts so much when they go. I lost my doxie earier this year out of the blue. I am thinking about you and wishing you good vibes sweetie!
Definitely sorry to hear about the loss of your good friend. I know what you are going thru and although taking a break, look forward to the say I see that happy guy or girl wagging their tail when I get home. In consolation they are all playing up there with their toys looking down and waiting for us to play with them again.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
Been there done that, and some days the loss of a dog that I had in the 1960s and 1970s, or 1990s, or 2000s, generates tears still. Best thing that you can do, and you already know, is grieve, and get another soon. I think new dogs can sense a loss, and do their best to fill that hole you have.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
i like that last post well done
I'm so sorry for your loss.
I've had to do that a couple of times. No it never gets easier.

I came to post the rainbow bridge.

Glad to see it was already done.
Thanks for all the well wishes everyone
Charlie Brown's Avatar
Like others in this thread Gatsby, I know and feel your pain.

18 years is a long time and I'm sure you have many great memories with your dog.

Long long ago I had a Great Dane ( Bozo ) that lived 11 years and I took that dog with me everywhere and I do mean everywhere. I was in a Marine Helicopter Squadron and a Reservist for 6 years. Once I took her to Summer Camp with me in Jacksonville, Fl. That got a lot of attention !

Took her on dates - she was a perfect chick magnet. Played rugby for several years and I'd take her to all the games, home and away - mainly to baby sit my dates. Took her with me for her first 3 mile run when she was only 9 weeks old. She sprinted the whole time and looked as fast as the wind.

She died on an Easter morning in my garage in the house I live in now. There is something peaceful about that timing. Every time I open that door I expect her to leap out at me and it's been over 20 years ago since she past. To this day, I use a combination of words & dates like her birthday as passwords.

Yeah, like you, I loved that dog !
Wow, that's tough Charlie Brown. Yeah, mine was a ladies man himself.

Fortunately I already have a younger dog to love on. I usually have two dogs at a time so one doesn't get lonely during the day. She will be getting a new friend here shortly. I'm switching to all female dogs since they don't mark everywhere. I love my bitches! LOL

Plus, I have a lovely lady & fellow dog lover in the hobby that I'm a regular for that can help "console" me during our session this week.
FuzzyMcDice55's Avatar
Sorry to hard about your loss. It is always so rough to lose a beloved pet.

I had to bury my favorite chihuahua about 5 years ago. He wasn't quite 4 when he went. Had some sort of stomach issue. He went in front of my kid when I was at work. Very rough time for her to witness that.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Condolences. As you said he had a long good life. Always focus how much better their life was because of you.