The Hobby, Customer Service and Real Life

Over the past few weeks there have been incidents that just need to be addressed. I know I am preaching to the choir but here it goes.

The Hobby and Customer Service: Over the last 2 months I have traveled over 9 states just for the fun of it. Some I worked in some I didn’t, a lot of the comments I have heard from hobbyist is that there are an enormous amount of providers that use fake or outdated pics and have no clue about customer service that they are very leery about hobbying anymore. Then if the hobbyist does a review on whatever site and the review is not to the providers liking, doesn’t matter if it is good or bad, if there is one wrong word, or statement that the provider doesn’t like, she retaliates by putting them on the NBL, Provider Buzz, etc and some have actually been known to cause havoc in a hobbyist real life. All I can say is that if you took care of your business and yes ladies this is a business, take your reviews as constructive criticism, learn from it, and move on.

Now the Hobby and Real Life: Providers causing havoc with a hobbyist real life is just wrong….We are involved in a subculture where anonymity and discretion is at the utmost importance. What is the relevance of trying to ruin a person’s life just for a perceived wrong word or statement?

We also know that there is a lot of competition in this business for providers. With that being said I stopped by a provider’s personal residence yesterday and she was very distraught. CPS showed up at her door with a copy of her travel schedule and a copy of her ad from Eccie. No her children were not taken, because they saw well behaved children and a clean and safe environment. This shows that someone on this board, which had to be a provider because she does not see clients at her personal residence, for reasons unknown felt they had to intrude on this provider’s real life and jeopardize the innocent lives of children.

All I can ask is WHY?
  • hd
  • 05-31-2012, 01:10 PM
Some providers and hobbyist alike have no life other than this, just as in any other facet of life, and all they want to do is wreak havoc on people. It has nothing to do with hobbying, they just want to fuck up someone's life, same as for figures in sports, Hollywood, government or whatever.

I think it's a power trip for them, they'll move on to something else when they grow tired of this group.
The sad thing is, serious damage can happen before they move on to something else, so to speak. I know firsthand the damage a jealous/angry/psychotic provider can do to another provider. I won't go into detail, but a few people here who know me well KNOW exactly what happened. I could only feel sorry for that provider who caused me such problems. This is my philosiphy: what they do is their karma. How I react to them is MY karma. And I feel sorry for those who have to cause others problems.
yes karma can be a mean bitch...or a blessing
Cpalmson's Avatar
This is one reason I prefer not to be a provider's regular customer. Unfortunately, my location makes it very difficult to see a wider variety of providers. In the past 5 months, I've repeated with past-seen providers 3 times while only playing for the first time with only 2 providers. I value my confidentiality. If I see a provider on a regular basis, the situation can become dangerous. All I want is a good time and a good fuck. Don't need the drama.
Still Looking's Avatar
I think most people are good. Its those few crazy dip shits that make us all need be careful and concerned!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-01-2012, 08:57 AM
Some do it out of spite, jealousy, greed, reducing competition (for themselves or a favorite lady). Or sometimes because they are just sick people. This society is a reflection of the bigger society, complete with good folks and bad. Unfortunately the annonymity of the business does attract some folks who then let their more antisocial side show through.

I am sorry for what happened; it is a warning we all need to screen and take reasonable precautions.

I've had a couple personal "issues" whith bad folks in the business, but in my case they were guys. Ones who stalked, or posted dammaging false reviews, or blackmailed clients.

Another reason I don't see anyone on the spur of the moment, and I try to do my homework well.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
That is a widespread problem of humanity like a monster with many heads.

I believe the main head of this monster is hatred, but there are many others that are deadly as well.

Hatred is a hideous monster that swallows people up, but they don't even realize it.

Of course, these victims all have their own "justification" that they believe makes their own particular hatred the only reasonable response to what happened, but that is just how the monster breeds and spreads.

You must be careful of who you befriend, whom you talk to and learn to read people at a distance.

. . . Some people you'd better avoid completely than try to convert.

I would say the monster has 2 heads, hatred and jealousy. We all feel those emotions in our life but how we deal with it is the key. A person either lets it go and moves on or they let it eat at them and they attempt to retaliate. Yes I have befriended the wrong people in this business and have been hurt by their actions but in no way retaliated. The only thing it did was put a larger wall around myself to the point that I give my trust to very few people.
As Ava said they have their Karma and we have ours. Eventually things come full circle.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, if you insist on counting the heads, I would say there are seven heads on the monster, not just two.

Furthermore, I would say that the first three are the worst, but any one is deadly enough to kill you and the intensity varies with different people, childhood and education.

1. Hatred
2. Jealousy
3. Pride
4. Envy
5. Lust
6. Gluttony
7. Sloth
jsparrow's Avatar
Still Looking

BIG +1
FK's Avatar
  • FK
  • 06-01-2012, 05:38 PM
Unfortunately as well, the easy fast money the hobby can provide to a lady who doesn't know what drugs will do to her can fall prey to that as well. We all know from the recent news that drugs can make you do some unspeakable insane things!
FK's Avatar
  • FK
  • 06-01-2012, 05:39 PM
Please add hormones to that list. Boy hormones can really rule what you do also. LOL

Well, if you insist on counting the heads, I would say there are seven heads on the monster, not just two.

Furthermore, I would say that the first three are the worst, but any one is deadly enough to kill you and the intensity varies with different people, childhood and education.

1. Hatred
2. Jealousy
3. Pride
4. Envy
5. Lust
6. Gluttony
7. Sloth
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Yes, I know from personal experience quite well how intensely hormones can drive you to take such reckless risks.

However, that particular danger is on the list at number 5 and falls into the general category of lust.

Teenagers are the special prey of that monster, but do not realize it!

. . . Sometimes I wonder how we even made it out that phase alive!

Please add hormones to that list. Boy hormones can really rule what you do also. LOL Originally Posted by Fallon Kelly
Male and Female Ranking for the 7 Deadly Sins

Men Women
Lust 1 Pride
Gluttony 2 Envy
Sloth 3 Anger
Anger 4 Lust
Pride 5 Gluttony
Envy 6 Avarice
Avarice 7 Sloth