Cruz picks Fiorina for VP!

bambino's Avatar
Prolly the most worthless job offer she ever accepted.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
You mean she is after Biden's job.
bambino's Avatar
You mean she is after Biden's job. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Biden actually has the job, Cruz won't win the Republican nomination. What a joke.
Prolly the most worthless job offer she ever accepted. Originally Posted by bambino
I think Cruz is trying to pull a John McCain, lol. I suspect it will work out as good for Ted as it did for John.

Raging debate in chat right now as to who's more fuckable, Carly or Hillary. No bet in my mind!
Grace Preston's Avatar
If that isn't a move of sheer desperation, I don't know what is.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Prolly the most worthless job offer she ever accepted. Originally Posted by bambino
well it certainly won't pay her anywhere near the loot she got for fucking up HP, and she did fuck HP up. when she got the job at HP, she was a senior executive at Lucent, then a subsidiary of AT&T. and she was on the outs there, probably not "going to be fired" but she'd hit the ceiling, she was as high up the chain as she was going to get. so bailing to HP as CEO was certainly a step up, a major step actually.

why do i say she fucked up HP? here's how. she loaded HP up in debt to become bigger than IBM. they bought Compac and Digital, among others. Later EDS but i don't think that was on her watch.

the results? by revenue they are now larger than IBM. but IBM out earns HP on about 10 billion less revenue but most importantly, IBM is still the most influential tech company in the world.

Biden actually has the job, Cruz won't win the Republican nomination. What a joke. Originally Posted by bambino
curious that Raphael Teddybear Cruz would announce this the day after he got mathematically eliminated from being able to obtain the 1,237 delegates needed?

Teddo's dada was a math major. before he became a oddball preacher. maybe he shoulda called up dada and asked him what "mathematically eliminated" really means?

Cruz is betting Trump won't get 1,237 delegates. as of today, he only needs to pick up 48% of the remaining available delegates to hit 1,237.

not a good bet, TeddyBear. unless .. Teddo thinks the "fix is in" and somehow even if Trump gets 1,237 before the convention, the RNC will fix it to take the nomination away.

if Trump gets 1,237 before the convention, he's the nominee. PERIOD. if the RNC cheats him, the Republican Party ceases to exist. everyone will know what Trump has been saying is true .. the "Establishment" decides who runs for President. your vote in primaries means dog shit. Probably in the real election too. Remember what Stalin said about "it's who counts the votes that matters .." and you better believe it.

the dems are no different here. they also "decide" who runs on the ticket.

unless you have hundreds of millions, or in Trump's case and Perot's before him, billions, you cannot fight the system.

Trump, win or lose, has exposed what politicians are today .. "bought and paid for" establishment cronies.
bambino's Avatar
Fiorina has been stumping for Cruz over a month now. Hasn't helped much. She sang some retarded song today and looked like she was crying. Meanwhile, Trump had Bobby Knight endorse him at his Indiana town hall tonight. He said Trump was going to kick ass. Check fucking mate.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Fiorina has been stumping for Cruz over a month now. Hasn't helped much. She sang some retarded song today and looked like she was crying. Meanwhile, Trump had Bobby Knight endorse him at his Indiana town hall tonight. He said Trump was going to kick ass. Check fucking mate. Originally Posted by bambino
i can absolutely see Robert Montgomery Knight aka "The General" endorsing Trump.

He should have one upped Trump, and picked him as his running mate.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
she's the ugliest hag since HildeWhore. and that's one ugly hag!

the hunchback of New York!

the hag in all her "glory"

it runs in the family .. if you consider Webb Hubble family

smug, ugly or both?

Why is the non-presumptive nominee picking a VP?

Raging debate in chat right now as to who's more fuckable, Carly or Hillary. No bet in my mind! Originally Posted by dickus

That's just disgusting!

lustylad's Avatar
well it certainly won't pay her anywhere near the loot she got for fucking up HP, and she did fuck HP up. when she got the job at HP, she was a senior executive at Lucent, then a subsidiary of AT&T. and she was on the outs there, probably not "going to be fired" but she'd hit the ceiling, she was as high up the chain as she was going to get. so bailing to HP as CEO was certainly a step up, a major step actually.

Are you criticizing her for taking the H-P job? You just said it was a major step up... it sounds like any career-minded person would have jumped at it!

why do i say she fucked up HP? here's how. she loaded HP up in debt to become bigger than IBM. they bought Compac and Digital, among others. Later EDS but i don't think that was on her watch.

Digital (or DEC) was already part of Compaq when H-P bought it in 2002. In hindsight, everyone agrees Carly overpaid for Compaq, the merger was poorly executed, and it was bad strategy to bulk up in a market (desktop PCs) with thin profit margins on commodity-like products.

But hey, it's not like her successors did a lot better. H-P paid $14 billion for EDS in 2008 and subsequently wrote down $8 billion of its value. Then they acquired a UK software company called Autonomy for $11 billion in 2011 and charged off $9 billion a year later! Whoops! We look stupid!

At least H-P's current CEO Meg Whitman has been careful not to step on any major landmines.

In tech land, destroying shareholder value is almost part of the game. In most cases, mergers are done using equity (not debt), so mistakes don't lead to spectacular bankruptcies, they just depress the stock price. In the annals of failed tech marriages, however, it will be hard for anyone to top the disastrous AOL-TimeWarner merger back in 2000!

(In fairness, it should be noted the tech industry is very fast-changing, so CEOs face more pressure to buy up other companies for strategic reasons than in other industries. And there are a few success stories.)

the results? by revenue they are now larger than IBM. but IBM out earns HP on about 10 billion less revenue but most importantly, IBM is still the most influential tech company in the world.

Ok waco, I'm too lazy to check IBM versus HP financial statements so I'll take your word for it. But the tech industry has high-margin and low-margin segments. HP could be doing quite well in low-margin businesses and IBM could be doing poorly in high-margin sectors. You need to drill down and do more research before you jump to conclusions. And surely you jest when you say IBM is the most influential tech company in the world! Do you fucking work for IBM? Which stocks have performed better in the past decade – Apple, Google, or IBM?

curious that Raphael Teddybear Cruz would announce this the day after he got mathematically eliminated from being able to obtain the 1,237 delegates needed?

Teddo's dada was a math major. before he became a oddball preacher. maybe he shoulda called up dada and asked him what "mathematically eliminated" really means?

You forgot to insert the words “on the first ballot” after "mathematically eliminated".

Cruz is betting Trump won't get 1,237 delegates. as of today, he only needs to pick up 48% of the remaining available delegates to hit 1,237.

Yeah, I agree it looks pretty well sewed up for Trump at this point.

not a good bet, TeddyBear. unless .. Teddo thinks the "fix is in" and somehow even if Trump gets 1,237 before the convention, the RNC will fix it to take the nomination away.

if Trump gets 1,237 before the convention, he's the nominee. PERIOD. if the RNC cheats him, the Republican Party ceases to exist. everyone will know what Trump has been saying is true .. the "Establishment" decides who runs for President. your vote in primaries means dog shit. Probably in the real election too. Remember what Stalin said about "it's who counts the votes that matters .." and you better believe it.

There is no “fix”. Get real. If Trump wins on Ballot 1 he is the nominee. PERIOD. If he doesn't, all bets are off. That's the way the game is played. Curb your paranoia.

the dems are no different here. they also "decide" who runs on the ticket.

unless you have hundreds of millions, or in Trump's case and Perot's before him, billions, you cannot fight the system.

Trump, win or lose, has exposed what politicians are today .. "bought and paid for" establishment cronies. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
If Trump wins the nomination, he will probably need to spend $2 billion in the general. Do you really think he can or will pay everything out of his own pocket? His wealth is tied up in real estate. As much as you hate to admit it, he will need the RNC to open its campaign coffers and shift its vast organizational apparatus into gear if he hopes to beat Hillary in the Fall. So you will see Trump and the RNC “colluding” at the convention, if not well before then. When that happens, will you say Trump is also “bought and paid for” by “establishment cronies”?