Why do they call it Russian?

Why is a tit fuck called Russian? Any idea?
I don't know but have you seen most Russian women? If you tittie fuck them you don't have to look them right in the face. Here's another definition I found :

Russian Style

A very difficult sexual maneuver involving two people where one person lies on their stomach and the other places their penis inside the others mouth while shooting an AK-47 with the butt of the rifle in between the legs of the person lying down. It reduces recoil and produces good oral sex.
Cause your "russian" to get it up and stick it where it's suppose to go!!!
Who's "They"?
In England it's called a French fuck so go figure.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Vodka-soaked muzhiks aimed for the pussy, but missed.
lostincypress's Avatar
An entire thread on the subject....

And in Greece they call "Greek" ... "Arab"
I don't know why it's called " Russian " I just know I love it ...
Sexy Katrina's Avatar
I'm not sure why they call it Russian but I know I love doing it.
Jumbo_mumbo's Avatar
Russian, Greek, Arab, American, Asian, Mars.. As long as they have pussy I'll fuck them..
dtymh55's Avatar
It is a lot of fun whatever you call it.
I asked a rundown girl that was greasing my pole if she did Russian and she said she didn't know what it was. When I explained I wanted to fuck her big tits she said she she.didn't do that and she emigrated to the US from Russia as a teenager and found that term.for tittay fucking offensive lol.
LexusLover's Avatar
Why is a tit fuck called Russian? Any idea? Originally Posted by Mike Meatmaster
Because it feels like it, but it's not the real thing.
I don't know...but according to the urban dictionary...that is what its called

Butt...what do I know...I am only a Russian with Big Natural TWINS...