Where would I Search?

I just had a waitress at one of the "breastaurant" places agree to hang out in the pool with me and couple a guys. She said she'd bring friends.

Buy of course they want paid for their time--only agreed to hang out. Nothing more.

Never done this before. Where would I find bikini girls to hang out and make the pool look nicer? Huge house with incredible pool in high-end neighborhood.
Sounds like you just found some. Let us know it they like fucking and let us know how much they would like to have donated to their favorite charity. I know a huge private pool with many other amenities. Have a couple a hot provider I see regularly who would like to meet them also.
Good luck. Those girls get hit on everyday multiple times and get offered a lot of money to hang out. The only way you're gonna get them to hang out for free, is to become a regular, tip well, and don't hit on them. When it gets to the point that they call you by name and give you a hug every time you come in, then maybe you have a chance of getting them to come to the pool without charging