A poem about hair

ethicalslut's Avatar
I asked chatGPT to "write me a satirical poem written for clients of xxx who think that body hair is weird" and this is what it came up with:

Oh, dear clients of the night,
who seek pleasures out of sight,
with bodies shaved and waxed so clean,
in search of a fantasy dream.

But lo and behold, what do we see?
Some hair down there, oh how can it be?
It's like a forest, so wild and free,
a sight that makes you want to flee.

How dare they have hair on their skin,
such a sin, such a terrible thing,
it's not what we paid for, not what we want,
we demand perfection, every spot.

So let's shame and ridicule,
those who refuse to follow the rule,
of hairless bodies, smooth and neat,
oh how could they be so incomplete?

But wait, hold on, let's take a pause,
and think about our shallow cause,
is it really so strange and bizarre,
to have hair where it naturally grows?

Perhaps we've been brainwashed by media,
telling us what beauty should be, like a dictator,
but let's break free and embrace diversity,
in all shapes, sizes, and yes, even hairy.

So next time you visit your favorite lady,
don't judge her for being too lazy,
to shave or wax, it's her body, her choice,
let's celebrate our differences and rejoice.


I love this work. Every moment I spend with clients (hobbyists, wtvr) is always my 100%. And I think part of why they get me 100% is because of my ability to accept their body, their journey, and their desires, just as they are. And then the level of acceptance that I show my clients is the level of acceptance I receive in return. It's this beautiful feeding off of each other's energy. I don't give a flip about what a client looks like, but if they can put some trust in my process, slow down, breathe with me, share eye contact, and stay curious, our time together only continues to get better. I mean.. have you ever just explored someone's curves, fuzzies, dips, flips, creases, dents, muscles, and more, with just your lips? Eyes closed. It has to be one of my favorite ways to get to know someone. Not to mention, one of the most intimate ways.

I hope that you read this poem and find a little bit of humor in it. It's a silly poem, but it points to something much larger than body hair... This post was inspired by someone's comment about my happy trail... so, here's a super hot photo of my tummy hair.


PS. to any girls that decide to have hair/not have hair... its your choice. this is not coming from a place of judgment. I'm just a weirdo who really enjoys my tummy hair being there, but have lasered by bikini/armpits/legs... and more to come! Not sure when or if the belly hair will ever go away...
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mtabsw's Avatar
I love all skin.
Peter out or Peter in
Purple parts deserve the time
And it really is not a crime
To let your mind mingle
With giggles when they tingle
Every part of us is fair game
To ignore any of it is a shame
Play with me shaved or not
And I will forever think you're hot

(No AI involved here)
When I first began to experience carnal adventures, virtually all of my female companions had varying amounts of hair in their nether regions. So for me, it’s not a big deal one way or the other.
Mrwonderfull69's Avatar
As a client I look at the whole person there aura . And you and your belly hair landing strip is a ray of sunshine .
ethicalslut's Avatar
Today I had a client who wrapped me up in his arms from behind and then slightly grazed his fingers over my belly hair… made a low growl while he did it. It was so sexy!!
hrlee's Avatar
  • hrlee
  • 03-03-2023, 09:49 AM
Yummmmm extremely sexy. Will confirm in person soon.
I like my companions to have some hair down there as long as it’s well trimmed. It shows they’re comfortable in their womanhood.
Please send me a message
I love hair on a woman