Hobby Fairy Tales...Happily (N)Ever After?

A comment on the Houston board got me thinking.

Some people enter the Hobby with a "Pretty Woman" mentality. Some men are looking for a fantasy and fall in love. Some woman are looking for a rich, handsome man to take them away from all of this and buy them a big house and fancy car.

While we may scoff at this, it must happen sometimes, no?

I'd love to hear people's stories about people they know who have tried to live happily ever after in regards to the hobby and if it ever works out in the long run.

I met my husband on ASPD and though I'm no longer married to him, it's not because of the hobby at all. But I will admit we both had sort of a fascination with the whole Pretty Woman concept. I also hear from guys who say they used to be married to providers.

I'm just curious about what others think.

Wakeup's Avatar
bojulay's Avatar
Is there a third option?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-02-2014, 07:04 PM
Just a quick note and I'll elaborate later. Not enough time to do it justice now.

Yes, it does happen despite what the negativists would have everyone believe. But I would doubt it ever happens when people of either gender go looking for it, just like anywhere else. Odds compared to other meeting places? I have no idea, probably less because the percentage of damaged people is likely higher here than the total population. But then again the latest stat I saw said 60% of all marriages end in divorce--and almost 85%+ of all "serious relationships" don't last.
pyramider's Avatar
If the taint is taken care of then all is good. Ignore the taint and problems occur.
Only an idiot goes to see prostitutes with the hope of falling in love.
Doodle23's Avatar
I am guessing this " fairy tale " option is a much more common fantasy with women. I don't know any man with a level head that would think it is a good idea to buy a hooker a house. Rich men typically get rich by being savy with money and pinching every penny they can. I suppose it does happen, but it is probably miniscule. Many men have bought their wives a house and a car and it lead them to not getting any pussy and having to seek it elsewhere. I doubt a lot of them are eager to make the same mistake twice.
Does the "Pretty Woman" thing happen? Yes is does. Does it last, no it does not. While some may meet and "fall in love", all that it really is, is lust pure and simple. A relationship is based upon trust and mutual respect. Once you have gone the hooker/trick route, you have put the ox before the cart and it can never be righted. The preceding is my opinion as well as direct experience as I have a few I know who tried and failed.
The "Pretty Woman" thing happens on occasion and I'm happy for my lady friend(s) when it does. Miss them terribly, but happy for them all the same.
Surprisingly I have noted more gentlemen are inclined to fall into the fairytale aspect. Not by their own fault of course. They see a highly sexually active woman lavishing them with attention with no apparent or direct flaws. They see the "best" of the woman in question. Not the everyday woman who is likely far more normal than most expect.

I believe it is the younger ladies in the business more inclined to solidify or believe the daydream about her Richard Gere rescue is a viable possibility.

We all have our fantasies that come from our subconscious needs and desires. There are few women in the world that would turn down financial security with a man they find attractive, interesting, and stable. This will be a fantasy that all women in and out of the business will always have looming in the back of their mind.

Just as men are predisposed to wanting to protect women and reproduce. There will always be that fantasy for men that they will find that loyal, interesting, honest woman who is a sex kitten beyond the bedroom door and wants him and him alone.

Are these fantasies a potential reality? Absolutely but the odds are akin to winning the lottery. Is it possible in the business? Again I say yes but the odds would be like winning the lottery twice in a row.

I cannot express how many times I have been proposed to with serious intentions. Aside from the extreme commitment there is another decently sized number that simply wished to "be me boyfriend" and save me from "this life" Though thoughtful and generous of them I decline.
Excellent responses! Ill comment more later but I agree with Jaycee.

Well said.
Still Looking's Avatar
Very interesting if I do say so myself. As it pertains to the hobby.... regardless of age I have found that it doesn't take long for a woman to become jaded. As much as she might want to trust a man after being shit on its next to impossible to move forward with the past haunting them. I call it the "Chicken Ranch Syndrome". I have found myself very attracted to four providers in the industry. In each case they talked about about how money is NOT important. Yet they make it "ALL" about the money. Each thinking, well if you have the money well WTF?! I call this the "Chicken Ranch Syndrome". They demand a few eggs at times even a dozen or more without paying for the eggs. (Shopping, Trips, Cars, Cash) The sad part is if they were to operate like a "TRUE" business person they would realize, why run off with a few eggs when I can have the entire chicken ranch. The real smart ones take the time to find out how many Chicken Ranches might a guy own? Human nature is so predictable. Five years ago I met a young lady that understood. Perhaps on accident it would seem. She is retired, owns her own home, two cars and lives on the beach in Florida raising her son. So now what did that one want? Nothing, nothing at all. Surprise, surprise, surprise.
Still Looking's Avatar
Jaycee..."extreme commitment"... I like that.
You can take the woman out of the hobby but you can't take the hobby out of the woman.
You can take the woman out of the hobby but you can't take the hobby out of the woman. Originally Posted by peabody
Actually, I think it's probably the opposite. I think men are much likely go back to hobbying when the newness wears off. I think many women would likely leave the business if they were getting more money and security.