In 2006, a documentary was released called Forgiving Dr. Mengele, which is the story of a holocaust survivor who forgave a Nazi Dr. that caused harm to her.
There have been numerous stories over the years of families who forgave the person who killed one of their loved ones, whether it was by drunk driving or something else.
Even Jesus himself is said to have forgiven all of those who put him to death thousands of years ago.
With that being said, the question now is can !Vi! be forgiven?
Her Church, her former College, the Military, her Roomates that she said she robbed, her Parents, her entire Hometown, and some of the people appearing in her vids may never forgive her.
But can the eccie community forgive !Vi! for what she has done? Can !Vi! at least be forgiven by all of you and let everything go back to normal? Or is the damage irreversible?