A Logan type of encounter, almost

I was trying to find a jobsite on a project I am working on. Found the street I was looking for off of Riverside, as I drove down this street, I noticed a little blonde in front yard of a run down house walking her dog. From the street she was cute, gave me a thumbs up as I drove by.

Took me a few minutes, and GPS to find out the street I was on terminated, then took back up 2 blocks away. Found the jobsite, took my pictures, and then decided to go out of my way to see the blonde again.

She was still in the front yard with her dog. Gave me a thumbs up again, so I stopped and rolled down the window. As she got closer, realized she was not as cute, few miles on her face. On my streetwalker scale, probably a 6-7, but based on the reports of others and the mugshots I have seen from DFW area streetwalkers, you guys would probably rate her a 9.5. Guessing 30s, maybe early 40s. (If on the higher end, I might raise my score to a 7-8.) She reached out toward me with the free hand without the dog leash. I took her hand for a second, then she just reached in my rolled down window and grabbed my crotch. She asked about some fun, but I knew I had an appointment across town with another project. I told her to be safe and that perhaps I might be by again.

Seemed safer than a basic streetwalker or a motel/lot lizard, and seemed fairly clean. Did have a little pooch, classic MILF look to her. However, the neighborhood left much to be desired. Only positive was that the houses around had been burned out, so not a lot of neighbors to be nosy. Not sure if the house was available to play in, several cars in the driveway/yard. I would definitely suggest you bring your own party favors for this one. Also, her hand seemed a bit rough for a HJ, you want to make sure there is pretty of lube there or you may end up a little raw.
I'll pass... There's enough thrills here without knowing who's hiding in the closet, ready to rob you at gunpoint.

I've had a couple SWs wave at me on NW Highway near Harry Hines. You're kinda tempted to stop.
FYI, based on other intel, this lady has a penchant for hopping in the car with you and rifling through your glove box I hear. Proceed with great caution.

Oh well, she was kinda cute and I actually was trying to find an excuse to investigate further. My balls will never approach those of some of you who ply this market.
Hardallnight's Avatar
I dabbled a little bit in this market back in the 80's in OKC. It was on my 3rd or 4th trip to S. Robinson that after a quick BJ and dropping the girl off I realized my wallet was missing. I found it behind the seat, empty of course. I never went back and found safer hobby venues. I can only imagine how dangerous the streets are almost 30 years after that incident!