Despite the report of it's death; the Tea Party continues to win and will be sending more and more of it's candidates to Congress....

Big Tea Party win in Nebraska = Ted Cruz and Mike Lee will have more coming in January 2015 !

Interesting Side Note: Sasse won, by significant margin, even though he was targeted by Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who prefered a more middle ground candidate ! Think Cruze, when you think of Sasse's politics. Smart and articulate on the issues.
Despite the report of it's death; the Tea Party continues to win and will be sending more and more of it's candidates to Congress....

Big Tea Party win in Nebraska = Ted Cruz and Mike Lee will have more coming in January 2015 ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The devil is always in the details! The "trending" vote count tells me that the Tea Party candidate was only able to reach 45% of the votes in a Republican primary.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sounds like Nebraska is trending uncertain, eh Whirlyturd?
Sasse is favored over the Democrat candidate for the Senate seat !


But if you have evidence otherwise, please post for all to don't, you won't.
Sasse is favored over the Democrat candidate for the Senate seat !

FACT JACKS ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
And I remember that it wasn't that long ago that you repeatedly reminded us that:


Trendy Jack, how did that work out for you?

Fact Jack
LexusLover's Avatar
Whirl, we can bump this one every 25 days or so as November gets closer.
Whirl, we can bump this one every 25 days or so as November gets closer. Originally Posted by LexusLover
It wasn't a prediction on my part.

I was merely pointing out the obvious!

Trendy's track record on voter "trends" is only slightly better than abysmal.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sasse is favored over the Democrat candidate for the Senate seat !


But if you have evidence otherwise, please post for all to don't, you won't. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I don't see that any election has been helps Whirlyturd. Nor do I see any information that would lend credence to your pronouncement. No evidence indicating anything, in FACT JACK.

Maybe we just write it off to utter bullshit.

How many Tea Party Wins does it take for you to post a ridiculous headline like you have here? I only see one Republican Primary result. That hardly indicates MORE or WINS (plural). You're stretching the truth again, Whirlyturd.

More Tea Party wins.........

Alex Mooney, the Tea Party-backed candidate in the crowded Republican primary in West Virginia's 2nd Congressional District, easily won his party's nomination in Tuesday's election.
Many (even Democrats) expect the House and Senate will be GOP.......................and it will have more Tea Party members than less !

Many (even Democrats) expect the House and Senate will be GOP.......................and it will have more Tea Party members than less !

FACT JACK ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
"TRENDY" Jack, you seem to have a long history of experiencing difficulty in grasping a very basic concept.

A Tea Party victory in the Republican primary does not necessarily translate into a Republican victory in November.

12blue4u's Avatar
"You can't fix stupid" Ron White, Social Philosopher
FACT JACK......................the Tea Party candidate in Nebraska is the favorite to beat the Democrat candidate in the November election....
"(Sasse) is all but certain to carry the general election in the heavily conservative state against Democratic primary winner David Domina, an attorney who represents opponents of the Keystone XL pipeline. "
-WSJ online.


But if you have evidence otherwise, please post for all of us to don't, you won't.
FACT JACK......................the Tea Party candidate in Nebraska is the favorite to beat the Democrat candidate in the November election....
"(Sasse) is all but certain to carry the general election in the heavily conservative state against Democratic primary winner David Domina, an attorney who represents opponents of the Keystone XL pipeline. "
-WSJ online.


But if you have evidence otherwise, please post for all of us to don't, you won't. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Trendy Jack, we went through this same issue during the 2012 election cycle. You were regularly posting your latest and greatest "TRENDING" lines at the time. Ultimately, you were proven to be wrong in the 2012 General Election cycle! It remains to be seen whether you will be proven wrong again in the 2014 General Elections.

Just in case you overlooked my comments in my previous post, I will be more than happy to share them with you once again!

"TRENDY" Jack, you seem to have a long history of experiencing difficulty in grasping a very basic concept.

A Tea Party victory in the Republican primary does not necessarily translate into a Republican victory in November.

You are too dumb to understand what "trending" means when it comes to polling results..........

The Nebraska primary results isn't a poll............and no thinking person is saying that the Democrat canddiate will beat Sasse in November......but I guess you are saying he will.................

Apparently you are too fucking stupid to comprehend the simple fact that a Tea Party candidate won the primary and is expected to win in November ??

"More Tea Party Wins" FACT STUPID JACK

Is Sasse a Tea Party backed candidate who won ?

Why are you so fucking stupid ?