How about a attaboy for project wildfire

Project wildfire just rounded up 976 gang members from 239 gangs in 282 cities. Should get some of the bad boys off the streets...
  • DSK
  • 04-08-2015, 06:39 PM
Project wildfire just rounded up 976 gang members from 239 gangs in 282 cities. Should get some of the bad boys off the streets... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
About four thugs from each town. Should make a real dent.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 04-09-2015, 03:52 AM
Need to multiply it by 1000.
LexusLover's Avatar
About four thugs from each town. Should make a real dent. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I'm waiting for daylight, perhaps noon time actually, to see which four are gone!

Never been able to figure out if that rattling sound is from sheet metal screws in the doors or ballbearings in their heads when the noise is cranked to full blast in the lowrider in the adjacent lane. Hopefully the streets are quieter.
Since eva "The Bottom Percentile" is still posting they didn't crack the Austin Reacharound Crew.

Which gang members were they? The Zetas? The Crips? MS13? Spend a couple of years letting millions of illegals come into the country and lock up a thousand. Sounds like a "framework."
LexusLover's Avatar
Since eva "The Bottom Percentile" is still posting they didn't crack the Austin Reacharound Crew. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Competing for the lowest rung on the ladder is always a struggle.
Since eva "The Bottom Percentile" is still posting they didn't crack the Austin Reacharound Crew.

Which gang members were they? The Zetas? The Crips? MS13? Spend a couple of years letting millions of illegals come into the country and lock up a thousand. Sounds like a "framework." Originally Posted by gnadfly
Competing for the lowest rung on the ladder is always a struggle. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Speaking of " bottom percentile" It was good looking down to see you two dickheads were still alive today. Keep struggling lexie you will wallow turd fly out of the spot. They were illegals turd fly.
LexusLover's Avatar
Keep struggling lexie you will wallow turd fly out of the spot. They were illegals turd fly. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Just because you are holding on to a rung with your fee in the air, doesn't mean you are at the top of the ladder. BTW there's no struggle going on up here!

"illegals" .. ??? .... you mean this is the "new" immigration "framework"?

Or do you mean they had outstanding warrants?
Competing for the lowest rung on the ladder is always a struggle. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Who you know better than you and your loyal 'Significant Other,' The Smelly ol' Idiot Turdfly? You two Idiot's have been playing footsies on the bottom rungs of the ladder for years.

Carry on!
LexusLover's Avatar
Who you know better than you and your ....

Carry on! Originally Posted by bigtex
UC ... err.... WR ..... would call you an "ignoramus" ... except for his WKing for your approval ... I'll just call you posting too earlier while still hungover.

... well..... if "ignoramus" fits .... then wear it.
UC ... err.... WR ..... would call you an "ignoramus" ... except for his WKing for your approval ... I'll just call you posting too earlier while still hungover.

... well..... if "ignoramus" fits .... then wear it. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LLIdiot did not answer the question. Who would know more about the bottom rungs of the ladder better than him and his butt buddy and 'Significent Other,' The Smelly ol' Idiot Turdfly.

Those two incestuous Idiot's regularly meet and greet each other on the bottom rung of the ladder.

Carry on!
Just because you are holding on to a rung with your fee in the air, doesn't mean you are at the top of the ladder. BTW there's no struggle going on up here!
"illegals" .. ??? .... you mean this is the "new" immigration "framework"?

Or do you mean they had outstanding warrants? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Keep wallowing lexie LMAO
Which bottom rung situ is sadder? Little "Grasp" Eva or Big "Reach" Kotex?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
How many were people of color?