And they wonder why recruitment is down dramatically

berryberry's Avatar
Our enemies are laughing at us - we are going to lose a war because of all this libtard bullshit

Is it any wonder US Armed Forces recruitment is down dramatically. What young man/ woman in his/her right mind wants to sit thru Woke Indoctrination Classes? Or wants to be forced to deal with this latest bullshit:

Exclusive: Army Training Says Soldiers Must Shower with Transgender Persons of Opposite Sex

An Army training slide obtained by Breitbart News instructs soldiers to shower with transgender members of the opposite sex even if they have not undergone a surgical transition.
It also tells soldiers that they should be “respectful of the privacy and modesty concerns of others,” but that “transgender Soldiers are not required or expected to modify or adjust their behavior based on the fact that they do not ‘match’ other Soldiers.”
Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN), Navy reservist and member of the House Armed Services Committee, said in a statement to Breitbart News, “Every soldier I know just wants to spend their day working hard to keep America safe and it’s shameful that they’re being forced to sit through these pointless and partisan trainings.”

“Our adversaries aren’t wasting their time with this stuff. We need to get serious about countering the serious threats we face abroad,” Banks, chairman of the Republican Study Committee, added.
rmg_35's Avatar
Again. Breitbart. More radical right-wing bullshit. That's all you post. You have made the sandbox into your personal bitch session. Any other topic gets quickly drown out by this bullshit.
pittlicker's Avatar
That's what the sandbox is for. Unfortunately, it filters into every other fucking thread on this site. Why can't political and non-political threads be kept separate. Sometimes I just want to read about pussy, not the woke or un-woke of left or right.
snoopy75's Avatar
Everything is being done by design. No other explanation.
berryberry's Avatar
Again. Breitbart. More radical right-wing bullshit. Originally Posted by rmg_35
Once again, you can't refute the facts so you try to discredit the source.

It's sad that you only think left wing DNC approved news media are the only news sources out there
berryberry's Avatar
Everything is being done by design. No other explanation. Originally Posted by snoopy75
Exactly Snoopy. I have several family members that are in the military. One high ranking career officer retired because of the woke bullshit they are pushing, another did not re-enlist. The libtards want to weaken our military by design
I don’t think this post it radical right wing bullshit. Maybe berry is a radical but most of what he posts are examples of radical left wing bullshit. Just like the left like to pretend that libs of tiktok is a right wing conspiracy theorist, all it does is expose real liberal videos…
berryberry's Avatar
I don’t think this post it radical right wing bullshit. Maybe berry is a radical but most of what he posts are examples of radical left wing bullshit. Just like the left like to pretend that libs of tiktok is a right wing conspiracy theorist, all it does is expose real liberal videos… Originally Posted by Loretta77
Thanks Loretta - you are 100% correct. Not a radical at all but I do enjoy exposing radical left wing bullshit like this.

I think that is why the libs here get so bent out of shape. They can't refute the facts and just hate to see their radical left wing bullshit exposed
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I’ve got a kid who’s 1/75 Rangers, his contract expires in October and probably won’t be reenlisting. Not only does the service have a recruiting problem, they’ve got a huge retention problem, especially amongst O2-O4 ranks and higher ranking NCOs. Even offering huge bonuses, they’re dropping like flies.

These kids joined to fight and blow shit up, not shower next to some freak with a sewed on dick and have their accomplishments watered down by low standards. Without a huge change in leadership and woke policy, I’ll be discouraging my 16 year old, whose heart is set on jumping out of airplanes, from joining. Last thing I want for him is to get stuck in some shithole with a diversity hire watching his six.
Hey Mates - that's the GREAT thing about the forums here.
Participation is VOLINTARY.
To read - not read - to post - or not post.

YOU are FREE to start a thread of yer-own choosing!

What could be more fair than that?

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
A woke military only serves our adversaries. Impeach Senile Biden for trying to weaken the US

Army cuts pay, benefits from 57,000 unvaccinated National Guard, Reserves

Roughly 57,000 Army National Guardsmen and Army Reservists who have yet to get vaccinated against the coronavirus will be barred from their duties, effectively cutting their pay and benefits an Army official confirmed for Fox News Digital.

"Beginning July 1, 2022, members of the Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve who have refused the lawful DOD COVID-19 vaccination order without an approved or pending exemption may not participate in federally funded drills and training and will not receive pay or retirement credit," the Army said in a July 1 release obtained by Fox News Digital.
berryberry's Avatar
We have a military that is purging conservatives while promoting woke political commissars in the armed services, all while Adam Schiff attempts to make the DOD immune from congressional oversight, this is the formation of an authoritarian system. This week the DOD took punitive action against a retired Army officer for replying to a Jill Biden tweet but is silent as an active duty service member uses her uniform to make a political statement because she is regurgitating approved regime talking points.

"A retired three-star Army general has been suspended from his duties as an adviser to active-duty officers, an Army spokeswoman said, following reports that his social media account carried a reply to a statement by the first lady following the Supreme Court’s action last month overturning the abortion rights decision Roe v. Wade. “For nearly 50 years, women have had the right to make our own decisions about our bodies. Today, that right was stolen from us,” Biden said.

The newspaper reported that the tweet under the retired General's name stated: “Glad to see you finally know what a woman is.”


Woke Female Army Soldier Questions Loyalty to United States after Roe v Wade Decision
berryberry's Avatar
Thanks To Leftist Corruption, U.S. Military Recruiting Is In Total Freefall

The military is facing its most severe staffing crisis since the advent of the all-volunteer force in 1973.

mid the first conventional war in Europe since 1945 and China’s massive military buildup — including nuclear weapons — the U.S. military is experiencing a dangerous drop in its warfighting capability. The U.S. Army, the largest service, has only reached 40 percent of its recruiting goal with just more than three months remaining in the fiscal year.

This military decay will continue under President Joe Biden’s disastrous anti-leadership and likely will take many years of concerted effort to reverse. Further, combined with the chaotic defeat in Afghanistan, America’s ability to deter its enemies from taking hostile action is at a low not seen since the late 1970s, making a major war far more likely.

There are three growing signs of trouble: an alarming collapse in recruiting, a profoundly unserious national security leadership, and weakness in the military supply chain and procurement.

Recruiting Collapse
The military is facing its most severe staffing crisis since the advent of the all-volunteer force in 1973. In March, the Department of Defense (DoD) announced it would reduce its active-duty end strength by 0.2 percent to a little more than 2.1 million. Pentagon comptroller Michael McCord assured us that it’s “not about making the force bigger. We’re looking at making the force more capable.” But only three months later, word broke that every branch in the military is having trouble meeting its recruiting goals.

As a result of its massive recruiting shortfalls, the U.S. Army has lowered its standards, dropping requirements for recruits to have a high school diploma or GED to enlist, while relaxing tattoo restrictions to allow tattoos on hands and neck without a waiver. These two decisions will result in a less capable force with troublesome discipline issues. The Army is even offering enlistment contracts as short as two years — barely enough time to learn the basics of modern warfare.

The DoD is even reviewing more than 250 disqualifications for service, such as asthma and ADHD. With only 23 percent of Americans ages 17-24 qualified to serve in uniform without a waiver and just 9 percent of those eligible to serve even interested — the lowest since the Iraq War troop surge in 2007 — something has to give, with some experts suggesting that a draft might be needed again. Fears over not being able to meet uniformed staffing levels might have informed the seven Republican members of the Senate Armed Services Committee who voted to require women to register for a military draft in June.

Biden’s defense officials may hope money solves the problem, but they’d be better advised to look in the mirror instead. When you openly accuse the military of being rightwing and harboring white supremacists, insist on schooling them in transgender pronoun usage, and then force them to get vaccinated for a Covid-19 virus that’s less threatening than the flu for the young and healthy military demographic, you shouldn’t be shocked that they don’t want to enlist under a leadership they neither trust nor admire.

To doublecheck that the economy wasn’t the overriding reason why recruiting is failing, I spoke with a friend who leads a large police academy in Texas. He said the classes are full of new recruits (although in Chicago, Oregon, and Washington State, areas where police are under attack, things are different). He even noted an influx of police coming into Texas from other states to escape Covid-19 vaccination requirements for public safety employees.

Profoundly Unserious Leadership
There are multiple warning flags that our civilian and senior military leadership are majoring in the minors while ignoring warfighting at our collective peril. Whether it’s the aforementioned policies or claiming climate change is an existential threat, our national security apparatus appears intent on losing its first engagement with a revanchist People’s Republic of China.

Even today’s extended 1 million barrels per day peacetime drawdown of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is aimed at the threat to Biden’s approval rating rather than the potential loss of our ability to import oil during a crisis. As of June 24, the reserve stood at 497.9 million barrels, the lowest since 1985, eight years after the program’s start. That’s a 59-day supply of imports.

The over-hyped fear of a military overrun with right-wing extremists is especially maddening as Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin initiated a military-wide standdown and struggle session on the premise of false reports from CNN and NPR. These outlets claimed that the ranks of those arrested in the wake of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot were doubly overrepresented by veterans. The claim, based on three math errors, was off by about 100 percent — meaning that the share of veterans among those arrested was exactly what one would expect from any random group of American adults who were almost 90 percent men.

At the time, retired Adm. John Kirby, then Austin’s spokesman, now communications chief for the National Security Council in the White House, darkly warned, “There may be cultural issues we have to deal with here.” Cultural issues? Tennessee Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen said the quiet part out loud when he worried that the National Guard soldiers sent to secure the Capitol in a symbolic show of force in 2021 were “predominantly more conservative” than Americans.

Military Procurement Weaknesses
The U.S. military supply chain has become increasingly reliant on the import of key items, such as computer chips. America makes 10 percent of the world’s computer chips with 75 percent of global production in East Asia and some 90 percent of the most advanced chips made in Taiwan.

Every Javelin missile launched in Ukraine at invading Russian forces uses a Javelin missile Command Launch Unit (CLU), and every CLU has more than 250 computer chips in it. As of mid-April, Ukraine received some 5,500 Javelin systems — CLU and missile — with reports that the United States has supplied 7,000 missiles so far, about one-third of its stockpile.

Javelin orders take 32 months to deliver, and in recent years, the United States has been buying only 1,000 Javelins per year with a maximum production rate of 6,480 per year. But the semiconductor-using industry typically has less than five days of chips on hand and it will likely take a year or more to reach the maximum production rate — assuming the chips will be available.

Unlike Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a land war in which American supplies of anti-tank missiles, anti-aircraft missile, and artillery, have been sent in large numbers, a Chinese invasion of Taiwan would mostly involve the Navy and Air Force. Unfortunately, naval ship building and drydock repair is a glaring weak spot in our national security. America now builds fewer than 10 vessels for oceangoing trade every year — China builds more than 1,000.

In military shipbuilding, America strains to build more than four combat vessels per year. The U.S. Navy used to operate 13 shipyards — it has five now, with 14 new construction shipyards (commercial and government) lost since 1970. The U.S. Navy had 298 battle force ships in April (including the U.S.S. Constitution, built in 1797) and about another 190 support and reserve ships. Meanwhile, China has 350 warships and that number is climbing quickly.

My own decision to enlist the military in 1983 was motivated by President Ronald Reagan and his call to defeat the Soviet Union in the Cold War. In 2007, I retired as a lieutenant colonel. If I were 20 today, there’d be zero chance I’d enlist to serve under a group of people whom I thought hated me and despised my political views — and who would use my time in military service as a cross between a reeducation camp and an armed international social service agency.
... Wait 'till the next big war situation and America needs
another draft... You'll surely see MORE "female soldiers"
that it'll look like Drag Queen Sunday!
Then you'll see all the pregnant males ...

Who is gonna fight and defend the country?

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
That's the problem Salty - we aren't going to have enough qualified military to defend our country because of Senile Biden and his bullshit woke agenda