Eric Swalwell wants to censor Fox News

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
So, a government official wants censorship of a news outlet. Swalwell wants the Pentagon to deny their soldiers, sailors, and airman to NOT have Fox News. He says that this is what can be done for embarrassing him...oops, putting out news that the democrats don't want you to have...oops, for putting out fake news. Of course, this Chinese spy fucker, serial liar, and shit his pants farter who wants to use F-15s and nuclear weapons against the common American saw a microphone and had to say something. No comment about CNN, MSNBC, or ABC's fake news.

I take this personally. Back in the late 80s, I was chosen on my ship to take the survey about what should be on Armed Forces Media. We got the ball rolling by including Rush Limbaugh which led to Fox News being included in the 90s.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Which led to veterans who didn't understand their constitutional oath; who led an attempt at an insurrection. Maybe he's right.

... There's also military who violate laws - sell secrets
to the Chinese and desert their units, and lie to the
American people .

Maybe Swalwell is wrong.

#### Salty
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Slight deviation away from the thread to attack veterans and active duty. Be careful...I've taken an oath
eccieuser9500's Avatar
... There's also military who violate laws - sell secrets
to the Chinese and desert their units, and lie to the
American people .

Maybe Swalwell is wrong

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

What you describe is Swalwell being right. The anti-American opinion "news" from FOX deliberately deceiving the American people into a violent temporary takeoverof the U.S. Capitol led by veterans who don't understand the oath. Oath Keepers my ass. A coup d'etat is not keeping your oath.

The judicial branch already recognizes FOX as a bad joke.

Slight deviation away from the thread to attack veterans and active duty. Be careful...I've taken an oath Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
... Agreed there, mate... Lemme explain and apologize.

I was surely referring to that Bergdahl fellow
walked-away from his unit... Didn't the US trade
a few really bad blokes just to get him back?

And of course John McCain - who peddled the phony
Steele dossier to James Comey.

Nor would I want to forget General Milley -
who told us that he "would inform America's
enemies in-advance" IF President Trump was
going to attack them.

... See what I mean?

#### Salty
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Slight deviation away from the thread to attack veterans and active duty. Be careful...I've taken an oath Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Veterans and active duty who attacked the U.S. Capitol, violating their oath, deserve no mercy.

You may have taken that oath, but you may not understand it. Especially the part about domestic enemies of the state. Those same oath swearers think it's okay to kidnap and kill heads of state. Is that part of the oath you swore to keep? What anti-Amercan militia has that as part of their oath? The one you are part of?