SixxBach just celebrated a Birthday.... But it's not quite over yet.... His attempt at fun flopped....Let's Roast his ASS!

Whispers's Avatar

We all save up money and spend hard earned money on ladies.

If we do our homework... We usually have a great time...

Sometimes things do not go as planned....

IT IS INCREDIBLY UNFORTUNATE WHEN WE SPEND THAT MONEY TRYING TO CELEBRATE AN EVENT SUCH AS A BIRTHDAY, CHRISTMAS, or in my case Wednesdays..... and the present we buy for us just doesn't work out as planned....

I'm beginning to understand some of SixxBach's misfortunes....

He seems to keep "missing" out on sure things as he chases unsure things....

Maybe it's that left over street thing....

Maybe he's really to dense to "get it"....

Maybe he's not all that interested in ladies?

I'm not sure but I told him to get his ass over to Palazios tonight and let me buy him dinner and a few drinks and dances for his birthday....

I ask 3 different ladies to come dance for him and they all NCNS before a tight little spinner gets his ass on a couch and unwinds on him....

After ONE DANCE he's getting up and I say "What the Fuck"?.. Oh wait.. HE paid for it? No darlin.. sit him back down and get a reaction out of him..... This is on ME.. IT's HIS BIRTHDAY!...

A few dances later he's smiling....

Then we get to talking.... We have the two Hooters Gals with us.... Shots are flowing.. Ztonk has to leave...... (sheesh... never thought he would go!)....

We start talking about the upcoming SC event....and he asks if any of the "Adorables" are coming.....

Uhh.. Not that I know of... No One has floated any of their names for invites..... Invite one if you want....

Then he points out a gal on stage and tells me that's a shorter version of Taylor Maiden....

I look at him and ask him what's wrong?

Then he brings up Wicked Milf and I start to understand... It's not the first time he brought up WM.... I say go ahead and invite her if you want... It's your birthday....

He turned down an allnighter with a young spinner for $250....

On Friday I had two young ladies welling to dress up as SWs and let me take them to his Birthday Happy Hour and he wouldn't tell me where....

I guess I "get it"....

Sixx and I have different tastes in the ladies....

After all... Surrounded by young ladies in thongs he has brought up the Adorables, Taylor Maiden and Wicked Milf.... with "longing"....

Ok.. So he's one of those guys that likes those ladies.... We can still be buddies.....

and then he goes too far....

Now he wishes he was there when Ivory was in Stripper Idol....

I really don't know what to say....

I guess for the next strip club event I will need to find some "different" entertainment for Sixx... I hear there is a PreOp working one of the clubs....

I hate to say it but..... I think he's forgotten where he came from.... Wants to be one of those WK types now.... Go "exclusive" with the Adorable and the Glory Hole Girls.........

I don't know what to do....

Accept to let him go.... Hope he enjoys his adventures and someday comes back to us....
Dammit, Whispers. I know you have a hard time pronouncing "Triumvirate," but it sounds much prettier than "Glory Hole Girls."

Whispers's Avatar
Dammit, Whispers. I know you have a hard time pronouncing "Triumvirate," but it sounds much prettier than "Glory Hole Girls."

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SIXX! xoxox Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
Knowing Sixx and his affinity for BJs I actually referred to ya'll as the "TripleDippers"....

That other virate word thing... yeah.. hurts my head to try to say it....
Hahaha... we're getting so many nicknames that we're all going to develop multiple personalities. Soon, you'll be able to request your favorite of 15 possible provider personalities from each of us! Or just pick your favorite two personalities and have your provider switch identities during your session. It's like a double for the price of a single!

We need a clever nickname for Sixx. Or do you have one already?
Whispers's Avatar
It's like a double for the price of a single!

hmmm... I'll take 2!

We need a clever nickname for Sixx. Or do you have one already? Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
Not yet....... He asked to change his name with the Lunch Group actually to "Sir GalIHad"... but it's too WK for my likes.... I heard him tell a girl dancing for him to call him "BubbaBear".... I can't fathom ever calling him that...

I know he don't care what you call him if your calling about a free dinner.... His ass was at Palazios with a menu in front of him inside of 15 minutes when I invited him tonight........

I know some of you ladies are missing your bet on him if you don't offer him a "Dinner Date"... Maybe you don't really want to cook, but you can get takeout, throw away the boxes and he'll believe you actually cooked it...

But don't expect to get laid..... I motioned to all the ladies on stage tonight and suggested we go to VIP and have some "Dessert"... He didn't catch the hint.....He picked up the menu and ordered Cheesecake...

Oh Well.... Probably saved me a couple of hundred bucks...

A few nights ago I mentioned we had 3 local providers hanging out with him and he wouldn't get his lazy ass off the couch....

Considering how lazy he is and his affinity for meals....

Is Garfield taken?

Happy Bjay Sixx! I confess, Natalie invited him out for one of our hobbyist appreciation happy hours or something like that and he was so polite to me after all the crap he and I have gone round and round about. I decided to buy the man a beer. I like tha man and he has perfect straight white teeth and a boyish cuteness. I don't want to ruin his reputation though. He is still a persistant cheap ass with no heart! Cheers
Oh, come on, Brit. Sixx has a heart. He smiled that big pearly-white smile every time one of the ladies bought him a drink, didn't he?
Whispers's Avatar
You gals are buying him drinks?

Now I KNOW why the man done got soft..

I suppose one of you bakes him cookies too?
rrrabbit's Avatar
Since the ladies have not figured it out yet, I guess I'll have to spell it out ...

If you want sixx's return business, you need to set up a buffet table at your incall.

rekcaSxT's Avatar

I am loving this thread, I can't wait for Sixx to read it.
sixxbach's Avatar

Guest092815's Avatar
Happy birthday, sweetheart! Yes, perhaps its time to try a "sure thing", Sixx?

Ya know, a few A. Adorables offer "quicklunch" for just 80 or 100. 'Just sayin...*(grin)*

I hope your day was good, but your nite can bee great!
Better yet he should goto one of those places where you eat food off of a naked girl I bet he would be all over that lol
Miss Sophie Bella's Avatar
Better yet he should goto one of those places where you eat food off of a naked girl I bet he would be all over that lol Originally Posted by Anonymous170
Seriously, Sixx loves to eat food off of beautiful women. Remember that time we had all those fresh berries and Champagne and we blindfolded Haley and restrained her on some of my bondage furniture? And then we started teasing her and playing with her and she was really wet? And then I started to eat the fruit off of all sorts of naughty spots on her perfect, young body and it was just driving her crazy?

OH RIGHT. You weren't there. Sorry about your luck, buddy.

PS, Happy Birthday! I hope it's wonderful and you share it with people you love.
Happy Birthday sixx!!

Don't let these guys get to you!! When they grow up, they want to be just like you!!
