P4P becoming more mainstream?

So while browsing traditional dating sites, I have observed ALL the listings for men are requesting some kind of p4p. There used to be a good amount of just friends with benefits....and those annoying conservatives that claimed they would Never pay for an "escort" or to "take care" of a woman, but seems like finally they have all gave up ...and have now changed their tactics to p4p.

Of course in some sites, you're not allowed to explicitly state that in your ads, but after exchanging a few emails ....hint of the "offer" is usually made.

Now there's nothing new or unusual in this situation. What it does appear to show is result of further downfall of real "social networking" in everyday life. We have lost our dating/courtship skills, how to communicate with the opposite sex ....express our desires, be understood

Or do we just prefer a different approach now?

Here is a recent fascinating article on the "commitment-free hookup culture" tell me what you think...

man i gave up a while back on trying to get a girlfriend then tried it again and all i got was "no".

i dont konw if it was my approach or appearance or both.

sometimes i just wana get laid. i mean id love to have a gf someone who i could speak too and sleep with at night and hopefully have her be my best friend, someone i could trust. but if all i get is no's i just get tired of that and i rather just skip all the bull shit and pay for sex.

i dont think "courtship" is over. alot of men still do it. but if you just wana get laid whats so bad about just skipping all the bs and get straight to business specially if the woman offers it or is a "provider".

plus from my experience it seems that a lot of "girls" dont give a shit if you give them roses and other type of gifts. if they dont find you attractive then thats the end of it. i just dont feel like wasting a lot of time to get a no in the end.
man i gave up a while back on trying to get a girlfriend then tried it again and all i got was "no".

i dont konw if it was my approach or appearance or both.

sometimes i just wana get laid. i mean id love to have a gf someone who i could speak too and sleep with at night and hopefully have her be my best friend, someone i could trust. but if all i get is no's i just get tired of that and i rather just skip all the bull shit and pay for sex.

i dont think "courtship" is over. alot of men still do it. but if you just wana get laid whats so bad about just skipping all the bs and get straight to business specially if the woman offers it or is a "provider".

plus from my experience it seems that a lot of "girls" dont give a shit if you give them roses and other type of gifts. if they dont find you attractive then thats the end of it. i just dont feel like wasting a lot of time to get a no in the end. Originally Posted by chiwawa
Then it seems like you joined the right hobby

for now anyways
Then it seems like you joined the right hobby

for now anyways Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
ugh..not the answer i was looking for ;p

right hobby for now for sure but id really like to get a gf and not have to pay for sex all the time.
ugh..not the answer i was looking for ;p

right hobby for now for sure but id really like to get a gf and not have to pay for sex all the time. Originally Posted by chiwawa
Haha, you sound too cute..
pyramider's Avatar
A lot of the dating site members are fucktards here trying to find the next flavor of the month, or a cheap lay. Sort of the thrill of the hunt mentality. Many of the dating site members are married. Cheaters will cheat even if their SO gives them a free pass.

But going back to your original question, is p4p becoming mainstream? Yes, the are tv series and movies about the hobby. Remember, porn was a dirty thing until porn came into your living rooms via videocassette and cable tv.
happybanana's Avatar
ugh..not the answer i was looking for ;p

right hobby for now for sure but id really like to get a gf and not have to pay for sex all the time. Originally Posted by chiwawa
Trust me, you always pay for sex... one way or another...you always pay.
RochBob's Avatar
I agree with happybanana. Whether its a "regular girlfriend", Wife, SO or Provider you are always paying for it in some way shape of form. At least with P4P they are honest about what they are looking for (in my opinion).

As for it becoming more "Mainstream". I think the advent of the Internet and "Social Media" has a lot to do with it. It makes it easier for Provider's to "setup shop" as it were and for Client's to find them. This will probably increase in the Future as American Society continues to become more compartmentalized and people are more isolated from one another.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Also, social media and sites like CL / BP make it easier for girls who would never consider being hookers to at least give it a try. Face it if a girl wants a few bucks, just put up an ad and then see what happens. I've noticed more and more girls going the UTR route. These girls are living double lives. I've been with a couple UTRs who have normal BFs or are engaged, yet they don't have second thoughts of fucking a stranger.
RochBob's Avatar
Well, that's the other thing that's driving this. The bad Economy and people losing their jobs. Have them looking for alternative ways to replace or supplement their incomes and for the fair Sex Providing is a good way to do that for those willing to go that route. Place an ad for a bit find some reliable regulars and then go UTR. There are several local Providers I know that are working a regular job and Providing at the same time. Usually on their days off.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Those are exactly the girls I'm talking about. Probably will be more prevelant when Obama-care really kicks in. Employers will cut hours in order not to offer health insurance. People will need to supplement their income. I look for more women to go the FWB, UTR route-- even married women, some with the blessing of their SO.
ICU 812's Avatar
I dated in High School and College, then got married.

Now I am way past dating. I can't imagin myself going through the uncertanty, dancing around the nature of the relationship and so on . . .

And any girl young enough to be in the commitment free hook-up culture would be younger than my daughter-in-law and looking for someone way better looking than I am (richer, fitter, better car )

Thank hevens for ECCIE!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Zabrina, you are thought provoking as always. Let me give this one a try. I think we have a complete societal breakdown that has occurred, and it has totally shifted the ground rules for dating. Women have quite a bit of empowerment going on and some like to use it. What is cute with one girl is criminal with another. Plenty of guys say fuck it, resent the new phony power structure and those who are artificially propped up by it, and don't want to play the game that is stacked against them. Thank God there are providers.