ED solution?

I know this is a delicate subject,however with our daily stress levels,lack of proper rest and diet,it can occur.I have a medical background and have found some intriguing posts for libido as well as sexual dysfunction (for male and female) . I thought I'd copy the post directly since I am not well known on Eccie...yet. Try this if you have ED or loss of Libido from Fin
Now some time ago, samjone36 made a post about how claritan for allergies solved his long term sexual dysfunction from Propecia. Now i'm 'bumping' it into its own post. If you have had any Libido side effects from Fin, can you try this and report back on your findings? if it worked for him, let's hope it works for you, and if it does work for you, then all propecia help user's dead little soldiers will rise from the grave once more. Here'samjone36's post


Use the link above and see for yourself. Claritan (Loratadine) has been clinically determined to solve erectile dysfunction in men. I suffered from sexual dysfunction for many years after discontinuing propecia and stumbled upon this by accident. I tried Claritan for an allergy and the next day I noticed that I had regained full erectile function. Try it please and never give up hope.
Lucky 1's Avatar
As a guy who was a competitive powerlifter and bodybuilder in my younger years...I actually know the hormone thing pretty well....i've never heard of such a thing as loratadine making one bit of difference for a man who suffers from "post finasteride syndrome"....For those who dont know...Propecia, Avadart and some others belong to a class of drugs known as Finasterides...these drugs are 5-alpha reductase inhibitors....meaning they inhibit the conversion of "one testosterone" to another form of testosterone called dihydrotestosterone.(DHT) of the various forms of testosterone running around a mans body...DHT is the most powerful form and is literally 10 times more masculizing then simple testosterone and the hormone most responsible for "things male"...like sex drive and erections....some years ago doctors started prescriping 5-alpha reductase inhibitors such as Propecia to men to fight hairloss as higher levels of DHT promote hairloss ....the problem is this causes sexual disfunction in a lot of men and the really scary part is some men will go on Propecia for even a short period of time...start having sexual proplems and the problems remain even after the drug is discontinued...as in a permenant problem! I personally know two men who have taken Propecia for hairloss...one of them is only 27 and he has pretty much permanent sexual disfunction all on account of wanting to not lose his hair.......my advice??? IF YOU ENJOY YOUR SEX LIFE......STAY FAR THE FUCK AWAY FROM THESE DRUGS!!!!!... your average doctor has never even heard of PFS much less treated a guy who suffers from it. There are however a few mens health doctors in this country who have been very successful at treating it....one of the best is Dr John Crisler in Lansing MI...widely considered to be one of the top 5 mens health docs in the world!
If you are a guy who suffers from this...I feel for you.....get proper help and good luck!
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  • Mokoa
  • 06-06-2013, 06:10 PM
This topic is more suited for the Main Discussion forum.

Moved to the proper forum.
pyramider's Avatar
I just watch porn.