Taking a break

Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
I'm taking a break from the hobby until gas goes under $3.50/gallon. Maybe I'll see y'all in December, Lol. Anyone else???
TexTushHog's Avatar
Nope. High natural gas prices just means more royalty income.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
I'm taking a break from the hobby until gas goes under $3.50/gallon. Maybe I'll see y'all in December, Lol. Anyone else??? Originally Posted by Big b.o.b.1
$3.50/gal? So....December 2022? 2023? 2024?
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
Haha, could very well be 2024, lol. I'll trade the truck in for a Hybrid before I wait that long.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
Haha, could very well be 2024, lol. I'll trade the truck in for a Hybrid before I wait that long. Originally Posted by Big b.o.b.1
I drive minimum 110 miles per day. Truck. Just paid off in March.

When I get the urge to spend $260-$300 on 1 hour of temporary pleasure, or depending on the gal, wasting $260-$300 for temporary waste of time and then have buyers remorse. I realize it takes $90-$120 to fill my truck that gets 18-25mpg. My money is better spent on gas than a mouth, vagina or ass.

My hand is free. I don't have to shower, shave, trim, waste time in traffic, wonder what those bumps were on the gals nether region, yeast infection or if that was a cold sore on her lip hidden by lip gloss or track marks hidden by make up, if someone has taken video or photo of license plate or a pimp/BF/SO/her kids are hiding somewhere.
B.Wayne's Avatar
yeah i think the same things. then when she lays down and opens wide i forget what i was thinking before. its a problem. im taking a break because of the hot weather. but ive taken up new hobbies like getting permanently banned on the ebay community board hahaha and im working my way up to this one. here's hoping.. help me out AG!!!!
Bald Bryan's Avatar
Gas prices suck. However, It's going to cost me at the extreme very most 2 gallons of gas to get to and from a visit. So we're only talking about saving like 2 dollars total per visit by waiting for prices to drop to $3.50.

"Two dollars. Cash."
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
In the last year or so, rarely do I see any new provider for a BCD engagement, I have always had my regular ladies and of course, the club ladies I see OTC along with a couple of SB I PPM.

I have a new car (2020) that I paid for at the dealership with a check so no car payment. When it is on empty and I fill the gas tank, I spend about $40, but I have 500 miles before it is empty again. And because I do not drive much more then to see the ladies (grocery store, gym, ect.), my gasoline bill is not much per month!
if I feel the urge for the company of a lady I will pay her,no matter the price of gas or food.I am a older single man living alone and I love pussy.
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
Hey WADDT, first D is drive, and have varying distances to drive. Your $2 might be someone's else's $50 per encounter. Happy hobbying

WEC- can you pick me up for my next session? Lmao ��
pyramider's Avatar
I'm taking a break from the hobby until gas goes under $3.50/gallon. Maybe I'll see y'all in December, Lol. Anyone else??? Originally Posted by Big b.o.b.1
No one cares.