Anyone remember the Canal St brothel?

It was about 10 or so years ago I think and it was frequently in the news or the papers as a lead story.

Unbeknownst to me I actually lived fairly close to the whole operation at the time. I just didn't have any idea about the hobby world at that time.

I think that there is a good chance that some of you might have been around during those days. I'm talking and hobbyists and providers. What was it like? If I remember from the news stories, they made if seem like a brothel in the old west where one could just come in after (or during) a day of work and get with a pretty lady.

I'm guessing if was actually more like an incall location held by a few popular providers, but what if I'm wrong? How did it work and is there anyone around that took part in the fun?

Just curious.
is there anyone around that took part in the fun? Originally Posted by awake900
You could always call your family values US Senator.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I don't think our family values senator would have gone there. A senator is too high profile for an op like that.
He was there as a state Senator.
Dilbert are you serious.
Dilbert he desire classier hookers with high morals. He must not be hung like a mule.
It was run by three generations of women – the grandma cooked and tended house, the mom ran the business/ booked appointments, and the twenty-something year-old daughter helped 'entertain' the clients. They were part of a network that would have visiting hookers from out of state pass through so there was always some 'strange' for the regulars.

They got taken down because some dumb-ass doctor from north Louisiana wasn't smart enough to pay them in cash. It all started when the doctor got busted for Medicaid fraud. Because Medicaid is federal money, the feds got involved. When the doctor got busted, the feds noticed that he was spending in the neighborhood of $70K/year (!) at this place (leaving a huge paper trail). When the doctor sang like a canary, he IMPLIED that the mob/drugs were involved. The feds, thinking they might land a Big Fish, spent LOTS of tax dollars/ man hours watching the place. (At a time, when, perhaps the FBI should have spent MORE time keeping an eye on potential domestic Islamic terrorists. I've always wondered - If the FBI hadn't spent so much time/money on the Canal St. Brothel, could they possibly have thwarted the Twin Tower attacks of 9-11-01 that changed the course of our nation's history?? But I digress...)

When they swooped in for the raid, all they found was grandma, mom, and the daughter running a low-key whorehouse in a quiet neighborhood.

I believe a judge slapped their wrists and spent more time chastising the feds for wasting time/money. Some congressman, on the floor of Congress, said sarcastically that he was SHOCKED that there was 'prostitution going on in New Orleans'.

I'd be curious if any of our senior members may have visited the joint.
  • MrGiz
  • 09-21-2011, 02:44 PM
I don't know much about the Brothel itself... but I know a few girls who worked there, off and on.

It wasn't until just a few years ago, I was lucky enough to get to know Jeanette very well....
Lots of good stories, there!!
Raindog115's Avatar
I knew of it way back when. They used to place ads regularly in Gambit. I never made the attempt to go, though. Agencies were way too expensive for me at a time I was chasing .2 BJs.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
He was there as a state Senator. Originally Posted by Stick1969
well in that case, that's different.

Hmm I may have mis-remembered. I know the kerfuffle started with Larry Flint trying to expose naughty boys in Congress.

didn't he see Wendy (not his wife) there, at least as I remembered it.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
(At a time, when, perhaps the FBI should have spent MORE time keeping an eye on potential domestic Islamic terrorists. I've always wondered - If the FBI hadn't spent so much time/money on the Canal St. Brothel, could they possibly have thwarted the Twin Tower attacks of 9-11-01 that changed the course of our nation's history?? But I digress...) Originally Posted by stavinChain
It wouldn't have made a difference with regard to 9-11-01.

FBI was following Clinton policy and they sat on a key evidence which was on laptop that would have exposed the 9-11 plot. they needed a court summons to open the laptop. This was in July or August 2001. As a result, they didn't connect the dots till much later.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Dilbert are you serious. Originally Posted by Exhibitbob
I mis-remembered. so boo hoo!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You could always call your family values US Senator.

Originally Posted by Stick1969
funny you should post this.

theres talk in the comments on a rumor about him wearing daipers with an escort.

Vitter wearing diiapers? that's so.. un-manly.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Dilbert he desire classier hookers with high morals. He must not be hung like a mule. Originally Posted by cumpletedick
did anyone read that fabricated article which has been since removed from the original source site.
London Rayne's Avatar
LOL that rumor made my famous for about a month before election time last year..then they heard from my attorney. I would never do a politician...not that freaking needy or dumb.

My business did triple though, so thanks idiots!! Keep em coming.

I have a copy of the article can see it under Anna Nicole Smith who is the person they claimed looked an "awful lot like London Rayne" lol. really can't fix stupid. Thanks for the publicity as usual.