How Much Do You Think

You Have Spent On Hobbying??
dearhunter's Avatar
100,000.00........give or take.........over a 20 year period
Double what the Prophet spent.
boardman's Avatar
100K and not one credible review? WTF?

If you count the time I spend on this SHMB and not working. Hell, it could be in the millions.
Otherwise, directly, I would say upwards of $20,000.

I'm a cheap bastard.
dearhunter's Avatar
Double what the Prophet spent. Originally Posted by SP Hunter
I'm pacing myself for the long haul.
proper's Avatar
around 75k over a 15 year period
Funny you bring it up, Holly. Where I'm working now there is literally NO hobbying to be done. Instead of hobbying, I've been purchasing gold bullion for the coming apocalypse, nothing else about my spending has changed. In the months I've been out here, I've accumulated a hefty collection, most of which I am certain would have been dropped on the ladies of Houston if I were still there. Kinda makes me wonder if I'd just pocketed half of what I spent, where I'd be in my savings and investments...

When I get back to civilization, I really need to figure out my hobbying budget. I pretty much had been spending whatever I felt like, but I can see now that I may have been overdoing it. Just a bit.

If I had to tally up my total expenditures, I'd put it in the neighborhood of $20k since my first trip to Boy's Town, with the majority of that spent in the past two years.
Terminator69's Avatar
Not enough, you (Holly) still pending on my to do list
allofamber's Avatar
Over 10,000 but not more than 15,000 over the last 6 years.....YES I HOBBY TOO!!!!

Too bad ladies can't write reviews on our hobby experiences..cause I have met some of the hottest women in the industry and our time together could easily beat ANY review written on this site.....
simpleton's Avatar
I'm sorry I have no idea what happened. just read my next post.
simpleton's Avatar
Over 10,000 but not more than 15,000 over the last 6 years.....YES I HOBBY TOO!!!!

Too bad ladies can't write reviews on our hobby experiences..cause I have met some of the hottest women in the industry and our time together could easily beat ANY review written on this site..... Originally Posted by allofamber
They won't punish such a hot chick...... write the review
Too bad ladies can't write reviews on our hobby experiences..cause I have met some of the hottest women in the industry and our time together could easily beat ANY review written on this site..... Originally Posted by allofamber
Luxury Daphne has written a review and gotten credit for it. I'm calling you out, beautiful. Prove it...
Holden Mcrotch's Avatar
I don't know you tell me Holly! All I have to say you were well worth it!
SofaKingFun's Avatar
$86,273.22 over 7 Years, 6 Months, 14 Days, 3 hours, 24 Minutes, and 16 Seconds. I'm not as smooth with the ladies so I don't experience near the volume that The Fucking Prophet does, but that goes without saying. I'm just saying.
Over 10,000 but not more than 15,000 over the last 6 years.....YES I HOBBY TOO!!!!

Too bad ladies can't write reviews on our hobby experiences..cause I have met some of the hottest women in the industry and our time together could easily beat ANY review written on this site..... Originally Posted by allofamber