Searching Ladies in Houston

  • mwra
  • 03-18-2020, 10:25 AM
You used to be able to bring up a gallery of all the ladies registered in Houston with their profile photo.

Can you still do that and if so how?

Slitlikr's Avatar

On another note-

When did all the bars close and why?

On another note-

When did all the bars close and why? Originally Posted by Slitlikr
Last Wednesday and cuz people are paranoid and dumb AF. I’m sure these bartenders and waiters would rather have a version of the flu and miss a few days of work than not work at all and be healthy but homeless. And bring back sports GDI
I am greatful that someone told me that Montgomery county still had bars and restaurants open Tuesday and Wednesday after Harris closed them Monday. Saint patty’s day ended up being a blast thanks to my ATF! :-)