Shit's About To Get Real

I'm seeing videos of looting. Also the Mayor Philly told his officers don't get involved unless bodily harm is basically don't get involved. Mayor of Baltimore pleaded for people to stop shooting other people so the hospitals can take care of CV patients.

Most of us can't stay cooped up in the house all day. Some are losing serious money. Their business is suffering. Their job and paycheck is suffering.

Many people are on edge. And we're just on like day 3 of a two week shut down. I'm OK as long as the major financial institutions and govt don't totally collapse. Got TP, food, electricity, water, booze and bullets.

I think Mayor Turner needs to open things up more.

Good luck Houston.
4PawgLovers's Avatar
Lmao the military is here now. The port will be shut down soon and Houston on lock.

Get your play in before Monday am LOL !!