Hong Kong protests

VitaMan's Avatar
What news is there these days for the Hong Kong protest movement against the proposed China laws ? It was ongoing and causing quite a disruption and political dilemma before the Corona.

This would be a chance now for the protestors to set a self destruct movement in motion. Refuse to follow social distancing and cause Hong Kong to go into full meltdown unless their demands are met.
boardman's Avatar
Same with the yellow vests.

As the tide begins to turn toward more people understanding the need for social distancing those protesters will be walking a thinner and thinner line between demonstrating for change and demonstrating, what will be perceived to be, reckless behavior that endangers others. The last thing any protesters need is to be vilified by the very people they claim to be demonstrating for.
Slitlikr's Avatar
Why do you think they invented covid?
VitaMan's Avatar
But this is the chance for the Hong Kong people to initiate the auto self destruct countdown.
(from Star Trek TNG).

If China does not cave in to their demands before the countdown ends, they can self destruct all of Hong Kong.
And what purpose do you think that would serve??

I'm always amazed at your thought process
Totempole's Avatar
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Totempole's Avatar
Totempole's Avatar
Sorry, connection response kept saying it failed, did not want to post 3 times