Men's Poor hygiene

AcesHigh's Avatar
Often the first item listed as "disliked" by ladies is poor hygiene on men. Cleanliness during a session seems to me to be pretty basic to a hobbyist and something that a guy would want to assure simply because of the rejection he might otherwise get if he isn't sparkling clean. Is this often a problem? And, does poor hygiene encompass being untrimmed?
Oh yea definately !! It's been an on going problem and will propably stay that way.
And no, being untrimmed doesnt mean your are smelly, but the more hair you have you can get more smelly easier than without hair. This subject has been brought up several times before.

I for one am very picky about hygiene and will not tell a grown man to wash up ! You come to see me stinky don't expect me to want to get close to you (and I do mean close in everyway possible). And guys often wonder why they get their package wrapped up lol !

So yea, if you are seeing that added to the list of "dislikes" then it shows it's the first thing that comes to mind to providers.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 08-31-2011, 07:25 AM
Guys don't give much thought to what their package must smell like after having spent a few hours sweating in their underwear and shorts/pants...
goes both ways,, I know I have encountered this many times over my 15 years as a hobbyist..its the dreaded condom smell!!!! on a girls pussy.. nothing is more gross than that!!!

wash that coochie before and after please
Seems pretty common sense although I think a monger who starts a session with poor hygiene is a monger with little regard for women or others in general.

On the other side of the fence you have Bacterial Vaginosis (Nasty and Nauseating Fishy smell) which can't always be treated and not necessarily a sign of poor hygiene but a still a definite 100% buzz kill for me regardless.
Scent is far too important a part of the experience. Both hers and mine.
Ralphey and Bella, I'm with you. Keep it clean for both and the sessions are much more enjoyable
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Trip's Avatar
  • Trip
  • 08-31-2011, 03:17 PM
What Bella said.

Overall hygiene is better here in TX than what I often experienced in Cali. And no, I was not massaging dirty hippies. I'm talking white collar men with educations and health insurance. Some had some rot mouth odor that smelled like something died when they breathed heavy on you. The idea of allowing a guy with an obvious bacterial infection in his mouth to DATY was unsettling. Maybe that is where some of the cases of bacterial vaginosis (BV) originate from :P

The massage gals I knew in SF used to joke: Every time a client leaves skidmarks on her sheets, a FBSM provider gets her wings.

Eventually, it happened to everyone... even with clients who showered upon arrival!

My advice: use a washcloth to bathe with. A soapy hand is generally not sufficient enough to do the job thoroughly, nor to remove dingleberries stuck on hair.

omg, are we really having this conversation?!
John_Dough's Avatar
kinda funny conversation but probably necessary. I always shower immediately before I go see anyone. I'm very self conscious about hygiene
Yes use a freakin wash cloth !!! It scrubs off the stank !
Most of the guys are usually really good. They either shower when they get here or have come showered. But yes, poor hygiene can make a session go sour.
Being untrimmed isn't an issue if you're "fresh" - so to speak.
Usually if there is an issue I'll just say I feel like getting it on in the shower... problem solved.
To each there own i said i aint askin or hinting around for a grown ass man to bathe himself. U either arrive clean n ready to play or be prepared for a chick who aint gonna get close to you..period !
What Bella said.

The massage gals I knew in SF used to joke: Every time a client leaves skidmarks on her sheets, a FBSM provider gets her wings.

Eventually, it happened to everyone... even with clients who showered upon arrival! Originally Posted by Datura
who the fuk are these people?? I have had over 500 deep tissue massages in my life and I have not once left a skid mark or even a pee

what is wrong with these people
AcesHigh's Avatar
Well, my question of whether this is merely a reminder to guys or really a problem is answered. Apparently it is really a problem! I find that unbelievable!