The Boy Friend Experience

I've spent a good amount of time reading threads in here tonight, some new some dated. I'm seeing a number of guys asking providers 'what gets you excited' or frequently providers spontaneously offering advice on the subject up.

A common theme I'm reading is if we would offer a little more BFE we would get a lot more GFE. In other words, the more a guy makes a girl feel like he is courting her and genuinely interested in her having a great time, the easier time she will have really giving back.

I have a couple thoughts on the subject.

1. I think I'm a good date. Respectful and polite, if I've been at work all day I'll ask to shower before it could ever be asked of me, usually showing up with a bottle of champaign or something of that ilk. When it come down to BCD, I try to make it a mutually enjoyable thing.

The realities of the 60 to 90 minute date, however, create natural barriers to the BFE. My big apatite is why I hobby, so I generally am generally looking for seconds with a provider. While I am genuinely stimulated by good conversation, that creates a limit to the time we can dedicate to socializing.

2. How much of a BFE are you willing to invest in?

Years ago I had a regular provider who would go on real dates three or four times a year...a high dollar dinner or a tough-ticket sporting event...that would end at her place for an hour or two hour. She loved it, saying it felt like she was being courted instead of being paid for sex. The BCD sessions were a real date that ended really well. These dates, though, would end with $$$ or $$$$ on the dresser.

Reading all of the posts made me think about the trade off she was making. She would invest three hours into the BFE and was willing to only get paid for the BCD portion. Clearly, it didn't start out like this, but after 3 or 4 regular dates, we tested this out and both were into it. Her personal situation, a single mom who spent her time either with her kids, working out, or on the job, made the dates very attractive to her.

Interested in the ladies' perspective on the BFE concept, the natural limits of emotional investment that the 1 and 1.5 appointment creates, and the investment date for regulars.
pmdelites's Avatar
"and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make." - Paul McCartney, 1969
It is really, really difficult to generate and maintain interest in another person's having a good time if it's not reciprocated. As the saying goes, help me help you.

Like the lady you mention, I also found I enjoyed feeling like I was on a traditional date, so I started offering them (to everyone, not just regular or repeat friends). They're a lot of fun, and there's more of a market for them than a lot of people assume. And pricing is flexible -- you can have the public time pro bono, at a reduced rate, or bundled into a package with private time. There's no right or wrong way to do it, just whatever works for her and her suitors.
I love being taken out and treated like a lady.
If I click with someone during a session, and they make me laugh, I do not have problems going to lunch, or having dinner with them before or after -on future visits. In fact, I am a single mother & it DOES bring more excitement and enjoyment to my (otherwise bland) life sometimes. Wink.
Chevalier's Avatar
I hope the lady enjoys spending time with me, but depending on how you define that label, there are a couple of significant limitations on the quality of the BFE.

1) Available time. I usually can't get away for very long, and a 3 or 4 hour tryst is rarely possible. Treat her nice (beyond mutually enjoyable BCD), with respect and conversation, etc.? Sure. Something more akin to a traditional date, longer and where public time is half or more of the total time together? Not easy.

2) Me. No, I'm not in the typical self-deprecating "God I'm so lucky these women will even talk to me" mode we see too much of around here. But I'm an extreme introvert and my social skills and interpersonal awareness are not strong points (one lady categorized me as "Asperger's personality type"), so I may not always be a lot of laughs. And even beyond that, a BFE -- just as with a really good civilian date -- probably relies on compatible personalities to a significant degree. I'm not going to be every lady's cup of tea, just as any particular lady is not going to be every guy's cup of tea.

I try to make an encounter pleasant and fun, not just in the sexual sense, for a lady. I want her to have a good time as well, although I typically don't bring champagne or even wine. I like her a lot, or I probably wouldn't see her frequently, and I try to act accordingly. But what are the minimum requirements for something you describe as a "BFE"?? I don't know, so I certainly won't claim to provide one.

And why label it? It makes sense for the ladies because they're marketing to us, but I don't anticipate trying (or succeeding) in persuading any of the ladies to spend money for a date with me.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
having met you yes you are a great date

i wish i would have more dates like this, i have a client who i do the "bfe" thing sometimes with and it makes for awesome bcd afterwards

maybe i will include an option for that on my new website, this is kinda like the clock free date concept.
having met you yes you are a great date Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Thanks for the endorsement Jules! I had fun too. We need a repeat before you go away!