Liberals believe we should just print more money to give to everyone in America(illegals included) then all of our problems would be solved.
Originally Posted by The Ghost of Jeff Epstein
LBJ did that with his war on poverty and the war in Nam at the same time. The result was that we hit a 21% rate under Jimmy C. That means that if you had money in savings, it was not worth a lot less because the price of everything went up.
Under the Damdemocraps the only thing that is worth a dollar today, and 10 years from now, is a dollar bill. Everything else, including gas and a loaf of bread will cost more than it did 10 years ago. Duh, the dollar now buys less; for the same dollar. Duh, that means the value of your savings account went down. The Damdemocraps have taken the value of your savings and put it in their pockets.
The Republicans seem to know this, and have kept inflation down. Trump, because he has actually studied economics and business, knows this and had kept a tight handle on the economy. We now have the best economy ever, more jobs for everyone, and especially more jobs and income in the minority areas of the cities.
That in less than three years. That is why he will be elected. It is time for everyone to wake up. The damdemocraps steal from us. Trump may be a blunt guy, but who cares: he has improved the country. Sometimes it is just time to kick some ass, and get something done. Trump has done that. The dumb democraps just don't like getting their ass kicked.
Thank you Donald!