Do one-off reviews bother you

memdal's Avatar
I am a big believer in the power of the review: for a hobbyist as both a form of verification and to see if the provider offers the experience you desire; for a provider as a form of verification and to help them prepare an experience that the hobbyist enjoys.

My question to both providers and hobbyists is how much credence do you place in the “one-off” review? That is, guys does a single negative or less than flattering review when there are many more positive reviews cause you much pause (for example, a dozen reviews saying how much the girl looks like her photos and one saying this can’t be the girl in the photos, or same girl but much heavier)? Or ladies, when you are used to having great reviews does it bother you if a guy gives an honest lukewarm review, if he qualifies it as just not being a good match but others should definitely try an appointment (I have done this)?
I'm new so I don't have double digit reviews yet. But I only have 1 'no' in my recommendations. But because I can't see what's being said, I have no idea what I did wrong and don't know what I can do to improve. So yeah, it's bothersome, but mostly because I can't see if it was something that was within my control or just lack of compatibility. (providers should be able to see their own personal rest of the story for the sake of a learning curve. $.02)
One off reviews don't detter me. As a matter of fact I actually read more into it, to see if it was a personal attack or just a YMMV encounter. Glynette, I like your attitude that you want to improve on a no encounter. Most likely if that is your only no, then it was just a case of YMMV, and not much to worry about.
Ok thanks rabbit
FredFlies's Avatar
One NO doesn't mean you need to find a new day job.
Tekase's Avatar
I always read the reviews for the last couple of months. If there is a No in there, I make sure to read it carefully and try to figure out, like Rabbit said, if it is a ymmv type of scenario.

But I also look at the yes reviews the same way. If someone has posted 1 or 2 reviews I lend very little weight to it generally. I tend to look at the reviews from much more review experienced hobbyist.

Everyone is different and expects different levels / types of services.
pyramider's Avatar
All of my reviews suck. Damn women are hard to please and I am not 18 any longer.
When You Are Ready's Avatar
I've only written one bad review, and that may have just been me because she also had four good reviews including one after my review. For me, it's wasn't a good experience, and I wanted others to know about it.
One bad review shouldn't matter that much. It could've been left for numerous reasons such as they just didn't click and the guy decided to leave a bad review. She could've had a bad day also, it happens.
TravelinTony's Avatar
How much credence can you place in ANY review?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Depends on who wrote it.....
pyramider's Avatar
No it doesn't.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
For me it depends on who wrote it..... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Fixed that for ya, that make you happy...
pyramider's Avatar
One or two bad reviews won't stop me from seeing someone if she have many other positive ones and I don't think they are being fair or had unrealistic expectations. You have to read the review, not all "Yes" recommendations are positive reviews, not all "no" recommendations are negative. The problem with reviews, the good ones can be overly flowery which creates higher expectations than can be met for the next client. Reviews that start off "She looks better than her pictures" generally means objectivity will likely be low, the positives exaggerated, negatives underplayed. It's not hard to pick out a negative review that is just someone taking cheap shots since they usually go overboard trying to make it seem as bad as possible but if the review is more objective it gives me better idea of what I can expect.
Another problem is some guys only leave positive reviews, so unless it is a really bad time they just say nothing. So if the level of service declines the reviews don't reflect that since you just see old positives.