Provider Based & Owned Media Company Needing Some Answers...

Magnific Media is a provider owned marketing company that helps fellow providers market themselves in ways that helps them attract more clients & the right clients for them.( thus helping the hobbyist find a good fit for then as well)

As of late every provider I work with is complaining that business has truly slowed down or halted completely. I am talking every level of provider from the high end to the bargain gals.

I am in hopes of finding answers to how and why the market fluctuates, as well as many other market questions that apply to this profession.

Hobbyist I need your input.

Below is a link to a survey form that is anonymous. I don't need you to share your name, email, personal info. I am strictly looking for hobby trends.

.So please help me help you get the right provider to you. It's 12 simple questions....

Hobby Market Survey

Please please help. If I could reward you in some way I would but then it would not be anonymous.
......but I can tell you that in the long run everyone in the hobby benefits.
TravelinTony's Avatar
Well, damn.
I completed almost the whole thing until I got to the last question:
What do you think could improve the hobby ( please don't say cheaper providers)
so I didn't send it.

Personally, I think the answer is the economy, the economy, the economy.

Or maybe wives are being more cooperative on the home front.
As a provider based company, you should know the answer to the questions. The answers you get by survey will be individualistic, and won't be a real concrete answer to the issue.

I always suggest a lady look inwards when she says it's slow, because it's not slow for everyone. If your company is supposed to help women figure out the reason why it's slow, then start with the lady.
The survey isn't about why it's slow but the question spurred the idea to ask hobbyist what makes them hobby at times, what makes them not hobby at times. What areas of the country dictates pricing levels. What it is about the ATF in their hobby history. Along with other questions.

Market surveys are common in all industries and help shape the people who provide services , shape pricing, and identify trends.

I am fully aware that each hobbyist will have his own personal reasons but a cross section of 100 to 200 hobbyist and their answers can be quiet informative.

As for the provider clients and provider friends that have mentioned it is slow I am sure most have already done an introspective analogy. Can I assume you have not been slow in the past several weeks?
if that is the case ...good for you ...

I really hope you reconsider filling out the survey. The reason I said don't say price is because that always goes with out saying...
Darling, I don't mean you any harm. You've obviously done some wonderful websites, and are dabbling into the marketing side of this business. There are some ladies who could use that advice, but no caliber of website is going to help them if they don't have THEMSELVES together. That's why it's possible that some ladies can charge 500-1K/hr with just an escortsite website with NO personal domain.

And again, I must say that as a Provider Based company who has been a "marketing consultant" for years, you should know that the answers to those questions on your survey are highly individual and irrelevant. You should already be aware of the trends. Every lady in this business should know the trends and what to do during those slow times. And depending on where you post your surveys, your data can be swayed. Not every lady will be able to take the answers to improve upon her services. Not every lady's business are dependent on trends.

In your original post, you mention that your clients and other ladies mentioning it's slow, and wanting to know more about market fluctuations, and the like. You are very right to do so. Your line of questioning in your survey will not help you find out any of that information.

All a lady needs to know is that this is a luxury business, centered around available funds by clients on any given day, in any given season. The money's out there, and being spent on ladies. Either he's going to spend the money on you or he's going to spend it on someone else. Some ladies just stick out a bit more than others. All your clients want to know is how is she going to stick out when she's Hot Blonde with a Boob Job #125? And can YOU and your site-building expertise help her do that?

I hope you don't take my rebuttal as nothing else but the resistance you need to improve your business practices. It's a trait of good business people to take criticism well. BTW, it's spelled Magnifique. I'm available for proofreading on a case by case basis to help you and your clients out.
I am not sure I agree or disagree with Tiffani. Based on her background and the respect I have for her, I would be more likely to agree with her.

From my standpoint, I have not played lately for many reasons. One, I am too dang busy, had my best month ever in August.

Secondly, I have a specific purchase I am planning to make in the near future and have not seen a lady worth delaying that purchase.

Finally, & more specifically with regards to your questions and posts, I hate dealing with middle men and any suggestions of pimps or management turn me off.

Oh, and I would suggest to any ladies using their hard earned money to pay you they might want to consider finding someone whose grammar and spelling skills meet at least an 8th grade level.
I am not sure I agree or disagree with Tiffani. Based on her background and the respect I have for her, I would be more likely to agree with her. Originally Posted by tigercat

I appreciate that darling.

Let me tell you why her survey won't give her what she needs:

Fact 1: There are clients spending money every day. But every client is not a client every day.

Fact 2: There will never be a shortage of clients, no matter how bad things get.

Fact 3: Knowing how people spend their money is irrelevant since men buy what they want WHEN they want.

Fact 4: There are rich men that have capped themselves off at a specific limit for ladies, and poor men who save up for the experience,

Fact 5: ATF's are ATF's for different reasons to different men.

Fact 6: EVERY lady is someone's ATF.

Fact 7: If she wants to find out where the traffic to certain sites are, she can get an Alexa account.

When you take these facts in to consideration, all I can do is put my best foot forward, make sure my rates are at my best price points at ALL times, make sure I deliver the best service I can, and continually improve in my shortfall areas.

As far as market fluctuations are concerned, we know there are several to consider. We know there are times when our personal lives demand more attention than others. Some women can naturally say that ALL parts of the year are slow, because the summer's when the kids are at home and people are taking vacations, fall is when we're sending them back, winter's for Christmas presents and New Years resolution, and spring time is tax time where people are recovering from the holidays. Then in some places, Jewish Calendar has to be taken in consideration, since there are large populations in certain places (some Jews can't do full service during certain periods, but they can do a NQNS!). It's not slow for everybody all the time, so a lady adjusts her business to make the money she needs.

So let's say she gets a sampling from here, and since ECCIE is not really representative of all clients in a particular area, especially in Texas, you will gather at certain conclusions about the way a lady should price herself, and carry herself when what she really needs to do is stand out from the others. She can't tell a girl, 'well based on my research, you should be charging this much since most guys only pay this much for ladies'. She'd be dead wrong if she does.

Either you're not in the line up or you are. Either you're getting picked from the line up or you aren't. And it's funny how sometimes you're not even in the line up and still get chosen. Every dog has it's day, a ladies need to learn on an INDIVIDUAL basis what works for them, and what to do when things aren't working.

Now there's her market research.
... men buy what they want WHEN they want. ... Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
OK, who told?

I am highlighting a statement you made here.
Fact 3: Knowing how people spend their money is irrelevant since men buy what they want WHEN they want.
This is very true for men, or at least this man. I am extremely hard to shop for. If I see something I need or want, I buy it. Rarely do I wait. If you ask me what I need or want, I can't tell you anything I don't already have. (Never had the guts to say that cute little blonde in this showcase...) Price points will come into play, but my research will tell me the right price to pay for what I want.

Perhaps that comedian who had the skit about men as hunters, woman as gathers can explain our differences better, but for the most part, men don't 'shop' for ladies. We hunt them down, target our prey, track it, and pounce on it. Women perhaps shop for a man. I don't know nor understand women, and never will. Once we all accept we can't understand the other sex, life will be much simpler.

Not to hijack this thread, but I have to wonder how a TS views his or her world. We can talk all about the DNA - genetic markers of male versus female, but in the bitter end, do they go through life as a hunter or a gather? That may be the true indicator of gender.

Now, all of that said, how price plays into the whole economic reality of this hobby, it is hard to say. Simple supply and demand economics is one force, but the illegal aspects of it, the personal biases we may have (I would never pay $?$?$? for that lady at that service level at that location at this time!), all of these influence the negotiations.

And ladies, from the moment you place your ad, with or without prices, with or without services offered, the negotiations have begun. They may be silent. The guy may be negotiating with himself. Should I pay this lady to do L1, L2, L3, Greek, etc. with me?

Go grab you some geeks and nerds and try to write the algorithm to explain the exchange of money for sex. I will be long gone from the face of the earth beofre you solve that riddle that has existed since Biblical times and before.

I am highlighting a statement you made here.This is very true for men, or at least this man. I am extremely hard to shop for. If I see something I need or want, I buy it. Rarely do I wait. If you ask me what I need or want, I can't tell you anything I don't already have. (Never had the guts to say that cute little blonde in this showcase...) Price points will come into play, but my research will tell me the right price to pay for what I want.

Not to hijack this thread, but I have to wonder how a TS views his or her world. We can talk all about the DNA - genetic markers of male versus female, but in the bitter end, do they go through life as a hunter or a gather? That may be the true indicator of gender.

And ladies, from the moment you place your ad, with or without prices, with or without services offered, the negotiations have begun. They may be silent. The guy may be negotiating with himself. Should I pay this lady to do L1, L2, L3, Greek, etc. with me?

Go grab you some geeks and nerds and try to write the algorithm to explain the exchange of money for sex. I will be long gone from the face of the earth beofre you solve that riddle that has existed since Biblical times and before. Originally Posted by tigercat
Men are impulse buyers all the way.

I've actually worked with a couple of TS and gay male escorts on their marketing, and their business is REALLY based like any subsection that's not the standard Off the Rack purchase (BBW's, pregnant girls, etc). It's when a client gets a taste for these types of services. But again, the beauty of that is that it happens everyday. Either you're in the running or you're not.

And the section I highlighted is SO on point. A lady needs to have that thought process in her head at all times.

And I don't mean to hijack her thread either, but that in-depth of an analysis won't help her. We call that majoring in the minors in some circles.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-24-2012, 01:53 PM

I am willing to accept that for a large number of men this is true. But for some of us--I know I am not alone in this--it is not true.

I travel a lot, and for a number of reasons (mostly the very small nature of my home town) I do not play at home unless it's a long time friend who flies in for a vacation.

So my dates are essentially all on the road, and almost without exception they are planned out at least a couple months in advance. Spontanious buying would be very difficult for me, and quite honestly it would not be near as enjoyable--I enjoy the anticipation, the flirting e-mail, etc.

Again, I make no claim that my approach is the norm, nor that it is the right thing for anyone else, but from exchanging e-mails & PMs with other I know there are a number of others in this situation.

I do plan my dates out ahead of time, I do a lot of research. But once I decide to pull the trigger, I pull the trigger. All of this marketing will be a waste of time. Actually, the best way for a lady to catch my eye is not sexy pics or glossy ads. It is intelligent writing.

And TJ,

When I referred to TSs and their approach, I was not talking about their marketing approach to here. I was really talking about when they walk into a store, do they have the male hunter approach or the female gather approach to shopping.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-24-2012, 03:53 PM
Actually, the best way for a lady to catch my eye is not sexy pics or glossy ads. It is intelligent writing. Originally Posted by tigercat
Absolutely! Her writing is almost always what hooks me!

I do plan my dates out ahead of time, I do a lot of research. But once I decide to pull the trigger, I pull the trigger. All of this marketing will be a waste of time. Actually, the best way for a lady to catch my eye is not sexy pics or glossy ads. It is intelligent writing.

And TJ,

When I referred to TSs and their approach, I was not talking about their marketing approach to here. I was really talking about when they walk into a store, do they have the male hunter approach or the female gather approach to shopping.
Originally Posted by tigercat
Well duh me! That's sure as hell what you wanted to know, right?
I'm such a nerd. You got me in the groove talking bidness...

When I say 'impulse buyer', it's more about the 'WHAT' than the 'WHEN'. That is why you look at some guys' reviews, and on a normal day he's a 100 hhr kinda guy. But then he'll spend 2K on a porn star. I think that's the best way to handle things. To make informed decisions no matter the price.

Thanks for the love, guys!
pyramider's Avatar
As time permits is when I hobby.