nikkilick206's Avatar
Hi my people,

I have been doing a lot of research for my dog lately. She’s a 2 year old mini bull terrier. She’s adorable and a lot of fun. Total people pup! She loves children and cuddling. She loves to party and chill. She’s super popular, totally a social butterfly.

But, she has issues with other dogs. Which limits our activities. . She gets really aggressive. I’m not sure why? I can’t find anything that triggers this. I know about her breed and what she was bred to do. Thought I would try to get some feedback here! Anyone else have a bull terrier? Have a dog who has overcome social issues? Any vets? Dog trainers?

Concerned puppy mother,


Anyone want to get together to talk about our dogs. ))
Agent220's Avatar
This would probably be served in the sandbox since it isn't hobby related.

To answer your question, most of the time, when you get a dog especially at the puppy stage, it's critical to have the dog socialize with people and other animals so that it learns to relax and be comfortable.

I'm not too familiar with bull terriers other than Bullseye from Target. I did have a Doberman from when it was 6 weeks old that I started socializing early.

Try socializing it and closely monitor it's behavior. You may have to try obedience school to dog psychologists.
Talk to Taurus Dog training and boarding. They have 4-5 locations.