Activist Spike Lee Tweets and Reveals Zimmerman's Address for Protestors

I B Hankering's Avatar
But it was the wrong address . . .

PICKET: Spike Lee re-tweets incorrect address of Trayvon Martin shooter
joe bloe's Avatar
But it was the wrong address . . .
PICKET: Spike Lee re-tweets incorrect address of Trayvon Martin shooter Originally Posted by I B Hankering

That's hysterical. It's sort of like these idiot Islamists that keep detonating bombs and blowing themselves up by accident. Our best safeguard from them is their own incompetance.

Most so called black leaders are clowns. Look at Louis Farrakahn and Al Sharpton. Farrakahn is probably clinically insane based on his publicly stated views. Sharpton is obviously a person of very limited intelligence and even lower level of integrity. He probably committed felonies in his participation in the Tawana Brawley rape fraud. He is a race hustler.

The black community is not being well served by it's spokespeople. Spike Lee is an idiot. After the hurricane Katrina disaster, Spike Lee was spreading the rumor that the levees had been dynamited in order to drown the blacks.
Wow, joe blow don't hold back then. Let us know how you REALLY feel. Spike Lee wasn't the first or last person to tweet the address. There's no need to be up in arms about it.
pantsontheground's Avatar
George zimmerman is a hero
Iaintliein's Avatar
Wow, joe blow don't hold back then. Let us know how you REALLY feel. Spike Lee wasn't the first or last person to tweet the address. There's no need to be up in arms about it. Originally Posted by sensualsanaa
Unless, of course, it's your address. Then it's pretty serious.
dearhunter's Avatar
Wow, joe blow don't hold back then. Let us know how you REALLY feel. Rush wasn't the first or last person to call her a "slut". There's no need to be up in arms about it. Originally Posted by sensualsanaa
Just checking to see if you still agree.......ijs.
LovingKayla's Avatar
I would think the black community would be so very embarrassed to have these hustlers representing them. Well the black community I know is embarrassed of them. They speak for a very small group of black Americans.... Most of the rest can't stand them. I don't blame them either. The topics they speak on are incredibly lame. I'd love for an awesome black American speaker or commentator to rise up and take the reins from those clowns. PLEASE.
joe bloe's Avatar
I would think the black community would be so very embarrassed to have these hustlers representing them. Well the black community I know is embarrassed of them. They speak for a very small group of black Americans.... Most of the rest can't stand them. I don't blame them either. The topics they speak on are incredibly lame. I'd love for an awesome black American speaker or commentator to rise up and take the reins from those clowns. PLEASE. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
I nominate Colonel Allen West, an American patriot.
Iaintliein's Avatar
I nominate Colonel Allen West, an American patriot. Originally Posted by joe bloe
My fondest hope would be that a hopelessly deadlocked GOP convention drafts Col West for the nomination. He's the ONE political figure out there today who has undeniably demonstrated that he puts Americans first.
LovingKayla's Avatar
I 3rd Allen west. I was soooo hoping he was going to be our next president.
joe bloe's Avatar
I 3rd Allen west. I was soooo hoping he was going to be our next president. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Unfortunately, West is being redistricted and is going to have to run in another district in order stay in congress. It looks like the Rino's in Florida didn't like his highly conservative views. I hope he is able to win in the new district he's running in.
There are some real dirt bags in the Republican Party.

In Col West, we have a genuine American Hero who also happens to be black. The sorry ass shitbag good for nothing Republican Establishment would rather have some boot licking lackey, or even a Democrat, in that seat rather than a man of this caliber.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Allen West is a genuine American hero period. No qualifiers.
I would think the black community would be so very embarrassed to have these hustlers representing them. Well the black community I know is embarrassed of them. They speak for a very small group of black Americans.... Most of the rest can't stand them. I don't blame them either. The topics they speak on are incredibly lame. I'd love for an awesome black American speaker or commentator to rise up and take the reins from those clowns. PLEASE. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
What? The black community should be embarrassed to have these 'hustlers' represent them? The last thing that I am s embarrassed by Spike Lee. I'm far more embarrassed by some of the hooktards here than I am Spike Lee. From the outside looking in, I don't think you can honestly say what or who the black community is embarrassed by or should be embarrassed by.

and again, I still stick by what I said. Lee didn't do the research into the address or check the credibility of the source so he is at fault there. But why not go after the dufus who grabbed the wrong address in the first place? He's been trying to get it out to the public since the case broke and it's just picking up steam because of Lee's retweet.
I would think the black community would be so very embarrassed to have these hustlers representing them. Well the black community I know is embarrassed of them. They speak for a very small group of black Americans.... Most of the rest can't stand them. I don't blame them either. The topics they speak on are incredibly lame. I'd love for an awesome black American speaker or commentator to rise up and take the reins from those clowns. PLEASE. Originally Posted by LovingKayla

Trust me, normal black people are trying as hard as we can to disassociate ourselves from these buffoons, but for some reason they keep fucking popping up. If there is a black boy falling off a skateboard Reverend Al will be their in a heartbeat with a press junket and camera crews talking about " This skateboard has done this poor black brother wrong, we have to boycott all skateboards!"

The act of posting Zimmerman's address was malicious and you can't say that Spike had good intentions when posting the address whether it was incorrect or not. He is not making a good example by encouraging people to confront this man and possibly harass them. He has alot of followers on twitter, he knows one of them is going to knock on that door.