What really happened to Martin? Stuffs starting to surface

LovingKayla's Avatar
"Stuff" has been surfacing for a while. Like the video showing Zimmerman arriving at the police station. He's supposedly been in an all-out fight to the finish, as one of the 'bots said here in another string...that he was being "beaten to death" by this kid....and he doesn't have a mark on him. No blood, no torn clothing, nose not bleeding (even though it's supposed to be broken), no visible head wound even though his head was supposedly being smashed into the ground, he's not even disheveled. Looks like he just stepped out of his house to go to church or something.

The funeral director who prep'd the kid's body for burial says the same was true for the kid: not a mark on him other than a gunshot wound to the chest. No bruised hands or knuckles (from trying to beat Zimmerman "to death")....no facial trauma, no skinned elbows or knees from being in what Zimmerman claims was a death struggle that required him to shoot the kid.....nothing.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If you look at the video you see an officer checking the back of George's head. Why would he do that? That footage is so poor you couldn't pick Zimmerman out of a line up.

The UK Guardian did a chronological break down of what happened according to what is known at the time including the 911 call, witnesses, and the cell phone call.

If you look at the video you see an officer checking the back of George's head. Why would he do that? That footage is so poor you couldn't pick Zimmerman out of a line up.

The UK Guardian did a chronological break down of what happened according to what is known at the time including the 911 call, witnesses, and the cell phone call.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/feedarticle/10169662 Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Glad you brought that up.....if Zimmerman does have a wound to the back of his head that he got during this supposed "fight to the death" why is the cop having to look for it? No blood, no obvious injury, Zimmerman is fine and appears unhurt.
joe bloe's Avatar
Main stream media doesn't have much to say about George Zimmerman's background. I'll bet they've been desperately trying to find something to smear him with or connect him to conservative politics. The fact that not much information is emerging about him means he's probably clean as a whistle.

What we do know about George Zimmerman doesn't give the socialist media much to work with. He's a college student, Democrat, tutors minority students for free, and does neighborhood watch for free. I'm sure the media was hoping for white, racist, right winger, uneducated with a criminal record.

I'd be willing to bet that there are probably lots of unpleasant facts about Trayvon that are being suppressed by the media. They've certainly suppressed recent photos. The lack of background information emerging on Trayvon means that everything the media has found was bad. Eventually we'll probably find out instances of violence in his past.

I'm glad that George Zimmerman was carrying gun (licensed) so that he could defend himself. There's a simple lesson to be learned from the Trayvon killing; if you want to avoid being shot, don't attack people. If Trayvon had abided by that rule, he'd be alive today.
Iaintliein's Avatar
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  • 03-31-2012, 12:16 PM
Joe bloe,

Your premise is based around the fact that the media tells us little to nothing about the background of either person....and from that you deduce that the black kid was a thug and the white guy is a saint....which leads you to further deduce that it was justified for the black guy to be shot to death.

I don't think i really have much to add to that.
pyramider's Avatar
Zimmerman is Hispanic.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-31-2012, 12:19 PM
The alphabet soup propogandists are working overtime:

NBC: http://floppingaces.net/most_wanted/...ctive-editing/ Originally Posted by Iaintliein
FOX News whining about selective editing is just dang funny. And....

ABC: http://floppingaces.net/most_wanted/...on-abc-report/
Conservatives whining about ABC changing the location of it's logo, when the change hid absolutely nothing is even funnier.
MC's Avatar
  • MC
  • 03-31-2012, 12:22 PM
The funeral director who prep'd the kid's body for burial says the same was true for the kid: not a mark on him other than a gunshot wound to the chest. No bruised hands or knuckles (from trying to beat Zimmerman "to death")....no facial trauma, no skinned elbows or knees from being in what Zimmerman claims was a death struggle that required him to shoot the kid.....nothing. Originally Posted by timpage
Here's a link for anyone who's interested:

Joe bloe,

Your premise is based around the fact that the media tells us little to nothing about the background of either person....and from that you deduce that the black kid was a thug and the white guy is a saint....which leads you to further deduce that it was justified for the black guy to be shot to death.

I don't think i really have much to add to that. Originally Posted by Doove
I was about to point out the same thing, but you said it better than I could. Not the first time JB has made himself look a fool.
joe bloe's Avatar
Joe bloe,

Your premise is based around the fact that the media tells us little to nothing about the background of either person....and from that you deduce that the black kid was a thug and the white guy is a saint....which leads you to further deduce that it was justified for the black guy to be shot to death.

I don't think i really have much to add to that. Originally Posted by Doove
My deduction is based on my belief that main stream media is biased to the left and that they are dishonest. I believe this because I have observed biased dishonest behavior by the main stream media my entire life.

If the main stream media is biased to the left and dishonest, it stands to reason that they will want to portray Trayvon as an innocent choirboy whether he is or not. If main stream media reports scant information about Trayvon's background. It's reasonable to assume they couldn't find exculpatory information and that's why they don't have much to say. It's like the old saying "If you don't have anyting good to say, then you should say nothing at all"

The same reasoning applies to the lack of details about Zimmerman. It's reasonable to assume that background research has been done about him. If the dishonest, biased, left leaning media has little to say about Zimmerman's background, it's reasonable to assume that they weren't able to find anything bad.
Won't all of this be brought forth when the EMT's who treated Zimmerman actually give sworn statements?

Of course, the Sanford Police have already got their statements, which is why they are ignoring all of the speculation from those on the outside looking in.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Zimmerman is Hispanic. Originally Posted by pyramider
How soon everyone forgets! Naw, hes just the racist white guy now.
What does the on scene EMS have to say about Zimmerman's injuries ?

Fuck grainey survelliance video at the police station - btw; what is the time lag between the time of the incident and arrival at the police station?

Hours ???? minutes??? Days ????