Whats up with the streets

I trolled all of the usual spots in GP on Friday night for more than 2 hrs and saw 1 bsw that I wouldnt touch with a 10ft pole. I then moved over to ft. worth (lancaster, rosedale etc) and saw 1 bsw that was at least an 8, but she was drunk and convinced I was LE.

I think she was new to the game after my first attempt at picking her up I left and circled around towards the end of her road so I could get a better look at her. When I pulled over and turned my lights off I could see her standing in the yard of the house she was standing out in front of and a black male was yelling at her. She walked up to the corner again and a truck approached and she shook him off. She walked back to the house and the black male ripped the red solo cup out of her hand and threw it in the yard. I pulled little john out and approached her as she walked up the street and she came over and said your a "cop" I said no and told her to look into the car. She did and said "your on the wrong side of town white boy". I quickly told her that I could handle my own. She then looked at me and said she couldnt do it to me and kept walking. I pulled away and the black guy in the yard yelled something to me so I stopped. He said what whats up and I told him she must not like me. He told me to hold on and yelled for her but I told him it was cool and I drove off. I circled again and she was gone and he was sitting on his steps with another guy. I cut down a side street and that was the end of my night.

She was the only one I saw in FW and the one in GP I wouldnt even let touch my door handle. WHAT IS GOING ON OUT THERE?
  • hotep
  • 05-09-2011, 10:35 AM
It's just like fishing.

Sometimes you fish all day and don't even get a bite.
Other times you catch your limit in just a few minutes.

You just have to be at the right place at the right time.
likydsplit's Avatar
It is an interesting commentary on the state-of-business. In the last year, the number of SW across all of DFW is way down. I find myself conflicted. Part of me misses the "thrill of the hunt" I get when looking for these girls (and that's my real motivation with SWs). On the otherhand, if it is a reflection of reduced drug use, reduced crime-in-general (and I suspect it is) - then I am glad to see it.
i think they have all went indoors. Right now there are lots of sistah girls types that i would usually see on the street now providing FS for 50 or 60 bucks in an airconditioned hotel room . I hate walking through the lobby however the accomodations are much larger than either of my compact cars

Look up Parisrboni ( think she spells it with an I) $50 for 15 mintues $60 for 30 minutes. Awsome tight petite body.
  • texin
  • 05-17-2011, 11:44 AM
I saw 8 yesterday around 3:00 PM on a Dennis/Lombardy/NWHwy troll.
2 county
6 city
SW's = 0
You can get a computer for $350 vs. $1000 a few years ago. So where have all the SW gone? Their online now.
Yeah, I know of a few online spots where the fishin is real good. Tons of locals.
  • Jet
  • 05-18-2011, 10:07 AM
I trolled the Maham/Spring Valley area last night. Besides couple of dudes, that place was dead. It has been for a while. Damn, this kills the thrill.
I trolled the Maham/Spring Valley area last night. Besides couple of dudes, that place was dead. It has been for a while. Damn, this kills the thrill. Originally Posted by Jet
My office was close to the area you discussed, and I would venture out to that location, Greenville/635 and down forest over to skillman. It's all so dead now, I have found myself as far south as 35 and empire central. Every now and then you can spot girls coming over to the sonic or mcdonalds from the budget suites and other low rent motels.....
  • Jet
  • 05-19-2011, 05:26 PM
I trolled the Maham/Spring Valley area last night. Besides couple of dudes, that place was dead. It has been for a while. Damn, this kills the thrill. Originally Posted by Jet
Just drove by this place n saw atleast 4 SW. Saw a few more ladies too but not sure if they were SW.
translateslowly's Avatar
Yeah, I know of a few online spots where the fishin is real good. Tons of locals. Originally Posted by nrhgambler

Please share!
BadBob's Avatar
Just drove by this place n saw atleast 4 SW. Saw a few more ladies too but not sure if they were SW. Originally Posted by Jet
If you drive around places where you know the girls normally are -- sooner or later, you will spot one. It is still all about timing.

Logan's Avatar
  • Logan
  • 05-31-2011, 10:48 PM
I haven’t had any luck either trolling the streetz. I think GP is drying up due to the “clean-up” for the 161 expansion through that area.

Not sure if I previously posted these locations –

I-20/Cockeril Hill & I-20/Camp Wisdom area - saw some BSW’s while cruising this area the other day. Did not stop to really investigate, but some run down apartments in that area and a few walkers/shady characterz.

Lamar/Cooper in Arlington – Check the carwash by the Chase bank and behind the Texaco. Several SW’s will be standing on the side of the carwash next to the Jack-n-the Box. A HSW and a fat WSW are sometimes out there. I believe that I previously posted about a lil 25 yo homeless type white girl that will wash your car over there. She was going by Lil Bit and said she was pregnant. I couldn’t get her to do any extras, but she washed my car really good for like 5 bucks. I kinda got off on her washing my car, but she may have just been extra cautious before playing. I believe that I only saw her in the area a couple of times.

Another street monger pointed this girl out to me and I finally saw her today. He thought she was 18 yo, but I thought she was more 30 yo. She walks around Collins, Lamar and Cooper in a braless t-shirt and she looks like someone poured acid on her face. Her face is very disfigured and scarred, and this fellow street monger told me she was recently picked up by LE due to walking down the street with just a blowing towel covering her that didn’t quite cover her tits and bush. Has anyone else seen this girl/woman and had any luck with her? She seems to walk the same trail everyday. She didn’t give me the “hooker’s eye” but was wearing practically a see through top with her sweaty and braless saggy B cups swinging back and forth. She seemed very sad.

Great Southwest Parkway/Abrams – they seem to be tearing down/remodeling those apartments just south of where that little corner store is. Heather the Piss Mop and some other girls were working out of those apartments, but looks like the action is long gone now.
I stumbled across a website the other day that allowed me to search on prostitution arrest in several Texas counties.

First thing I noticed was that it appeared the females arrested were all SW, not even a BP/CL level of provider in the mix.

The males arrested, in most cases, looked like street people, not anyone with a P411 okay in the bunch hardly.

Third thing I noticed was that some of the other locales (Florida, Carolinas) seemed to be arresting gals that might have been of a notch or two above the Texas arrest.

Of course, I must admit that their seemed to be a certain level of racial profiling, as I would guess 75% were black, 20% were Hispanic, and the rest were white, TS or other.

The final thought I had was LE was doing you guys who hit the streets a favor. Understand that the closest I have come to a SW was Sarah by the Zoo. Not sure if it was with encouragement from Logan, if it was just the kind of lady she was, but Sarah was a cute young lady who, with a little help, could have actually done quite well on this board. She spoke to me of the importance of showering between johns, how guys had an expectation that she would be clean and would take care of their needs, true customer service. Actually, based on a lot of the reviews I have read on the boards, Sarah could have taught a lot of the ladies here a thing or two.

With that said, and if I even assign Sarah a "10" on the SW scale you guys write about, then most of the mugshots of the Texas gals would rate no more than a "1" on a street scale. The lady who looked about 60 with bleach blonde hair and the 2"x4" bandage across her chin would have gone negative in my book. I sure hope that you guys are not picking up these gals and then giving them any type of rating on the SW scale.

So, my assumption was that LE was doing you a favor removing some of these from the streets. Oh, and some of the best looking mugshots actually listed "male" as the sex of the person, so you may want to do a crotch check before you get that BJ on the street.