If You Work For Obama, You Are Under Orders To Shut Up

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Didn't someone here recently say that the idea this might happen was ridiculous? Well, maybe not. But you guys LOVE Obama.

From the article:

Survivors of the Benghazi attack were told to “shut up” by the Democratic leadership with the clear purpose of protecting the inept elected and appointed Democrats of this administration. This regime cannot be embarrassed. Never. It’s the Chicago way.

In a rare display of courage, a mortified Senator Lindsey Graham said Senate Republicans are generally being denied access to the survivors of the Benghazi terror attack of September 11, 2012. In an interview with Fox News, the South Carolina Senator said he was able to meet with some of the survivors. He told Bret Baier “the bottom line is they feel that they can’t come forth, they’ve been told to be quiet.” The only thing missing was the “or else.” The Senator admits that this White House is trying to cover up the truth about Benghazi.

When asked about Benghazi survivors being told to keep quiet, White House Press Clown Jay Carney assured reporters that “…the White House is not preventing anyone from speaking.” Even Baghdad Bob would find this difficult to believe. To date, all of the Benghazi spin has been debunked. Susan Rice has been exposed as a liar; and as a reward for her loyalty, Mr. Obama will appoint her his national security adviser.

Hillary “What does does it make?” Clinton was AWOL during the Benghazi attacks. But to the low information voter and Organize America crowd, that makes her the front runner for 2016. Like Obama, Hillary was completely indifferent about providing aid to Ambassador Stevens and his staff both before the attack AND while they were being murdered. As long as you have a “D” by your name and swear allegiance to Saul Alinksy, you are, in Mafia terms, “Made” and therefore untouchable. To date, the Lame Stream Media ignores the cover-up while accepting the Don Obama talking points. The Pulitzer Prize committee must not grant awards for taking down Democrats. It’s just another example of how the Chicago regime rewards its people for making The One look good.

If Senator Graham puts forth a good faith effort to get the facts surrounding that evening’s raid on the Benghazi mission, how long will it be until Obama declares the matter one of national security to be shielded by executive privilege?

What happened to the "most transparent administration in history?" Oh, yeah. Another Obama lie. No one cares.

Too bad you don't work for Obama.
The embassy probally had a stockpile of weapons that we were not suppost of know about. But we don't

and will never hear the truth from this administration.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I don't care who you work for Unaliar. shut up!

Another weak story. Low CRED source. Unaliar spin.

Shut the fuck up Whiny. You're bullshit is tedious and boring. If NO ONE CARES, then spare us the nonstop hate, you Anti-American TRAITOR, as your blow buddy (OK that narrows it down to every vagrant in the Salina bus station) would say.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If Whatzup is right (complete speculation) then why haven't we seen one interview, one story, or one testimony from any of the survivors?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-24-2013, 06:24 AM
Too bad you don't work for Obama. Originally Posted by timpage
Post of the month!
Too bad you don't work for Obama. Originally Posted by timpage
Post of the month! Originally Posted by Doove
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Benghazi has been a propaganda filled cover-up within moments of it happening.
It is worse than simply being asleep at the wheel.
I wonder what country Obama will move to when he is finally removed from office.
I wonder what country Obama will move to when he is finally removed from office. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
2Pups, wanna go double or nothing that Obama will not be "removed from office" until his 2nd term is complete?

I'm game!
TexTushHog's Avatar
Just in case you want to know who the Western Center for Journalism is!!


A charter member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. The guy running the joint was one of the guys who tried to flog the Vince Foster suicide conspiracy stories. Tied in with the Scaiffe Foundation.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I don't care who you work for Unaliar. shut up!

Another weak story. Low CRED source. Unaliar spin.

Shut the fuck up Whiny. You're bullshit is tedious and boring. If NO ONE CARES, then spare us the nonstop hate, you Anti-American TRAITOR, as your blow buddy (OK that narrows it down to every vagrant in the Salina bus station) would say.

yawwwwnnn! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
How does criticizing the government make someone a traitor, Yssup? Is that what you are implying, my friend?
bojulay's Avatar
Best policy ever if it apply's to Biden and Reid.

ha ha ha ha