This Memorial Day...

Sarah Renee's Avatar
Let's remember those who have gave all, so we can live the life we do. Let's not forget those who have served and those who are serving still today.

I am proud to say amount those are my daughter, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, grandfather's, and the list goes on. They never count the cost. They only know they have a job to do.

We also remember those family members who have gone before us. As we remember, may the memories that come to mind be those of the happier times and the memories we made. They are watching over us and see how we celebrate their lives, so let's make them proud.

Have a great day! If you are traveling, please be safe and watch out for those around you.


Sarah Renee
Moved from Coed Discussions.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Partially copied from another post of mine:

Everyone should lay flowers down on Memorial day.
Every grave yard has at least a few veterans. Frequently forgotten.
I've adopted one near me, cause the graves in France are a bit to far.
DallasRain's Avatar
Thanks for your service!
VipAhyanaJames's Avatar
Big Salute to all the Fallen who served.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Thanks for your kind words SR. To all those who died in service to this country...I'm sorry it happened to them. To all my fellow vets...thank you for your service. To all you America hating flag burners...go to HELL!!