A Bear walks into a bar

Gipper4's Avatar
A bear walks into the bar and orders a beer.....
Barkeep says 'I don't sell beer to bears'.....
The bear says 'If you don't give me a beer, I'm gonna eat that lady at the other end of the bar'......
Barkeep says 'I don't seel ber to bears'...
The bear jumps up, eats the lady, sits back down and says'I'll have a beer'...
Barkeep says 'I don't sell beer to druggies'......
Bear says 'I don't do drugs'.....
Barkeep says 'That was a Bar Bitch U Et '.....
Gipper4's Avatar
A bear walks into a bar and says ' I'll have a pint of beer.....ummmmmm....ahhhhhh... and a bag of peanuts'
Barkeep says 'Why the big pause?'
tia travels's Avatar
Looks like he got his beer finally!

and Bear Beer at that!!

RandB fan's Avatar
I prefer Moosebrew
Thats a bear I wanna party with...