On a slightly more serious note...

SexyBritneyJ's Avatar
I'm curious to hear what others think of this. It's apparently legal to shoot us if we don't fuck you for some reason.

bluffcityguy's Avatar
I'm curious to hear what others think of this. It's apparently legal to shoot us if we don't fuck you for some reason.

http://thinkprogress.org/justice/201...sex/?mobile=nc Originally Posted by SexyBritneyJ
You somewhat overstate the case. In Texas, it's legal for we gents to shoot you, but only at night, for not fucking us ONLY if you don't give us the money back (the jury verdict implied he shot her for keeping the money, not for refusing to fuck him).
Under Texas law, an individual is authorized to use deadly force to “retrieve stolen property at night,” and Gilbert’s lawyers cited that provision as justification for Gilbert’s action, reasoning that Frago had stolen $150 from him by taking his money without delivering sex.
Hey, it's Texas. It's a whole different country.

But you are apparently a young lady who reads ThinkProgress... that makes me hot thinking about that...


bcg (unregenerate liberal as well as a geek, and goddamn proud of both!)
SexyBritneyJ's Avatar
I was speaking from a more practical perspective. The end result, not the retarded reasoning that got them there.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I was speaking from a more practical perspective. The end result, not the retarded reasoning that got them there. Originally Posted by SexyBritneyJ
Or from an even more practical perspective: if you're visiting Texas and you don't want to fuck him, give the money back.


SexyBritneyJ's Avatar
Even more practical is to not go to Texas in the first place, since this is apparently acceptable. :P

I mean, I'd give the money back if something went wrong. However, I still think that shooting someone is a bit of an overreaction over $150.
Guest031114's Avatar
One of the most interesting things is that they jury found that she actually stole something. This was a business transaction (even if an illegal one) and was not a crime. Think the police would have arrested her with theft? I highly doubt it.

Let's say you have a plumber come over to fix the leak that happens at your house during the evening. He requires payment up front and you are desperate so you pay it. He takes a look at the pipes and says "fuck this, it's a mess, I am going to need another $150 to even begin work or I am leaving." You refuse payment and shoot him in the back as he leaves. Anybody think he would get off under that scenario?

I agree Sexy BJ this is a strange result that leaves me scratching my head.

I suspect the defense painted a pretty ugly picture of the young lady but to me there is no way you could ever justify a life for $150. Bernie Madoff is still alive and kicking no telling what this guy would have done to him.

We live in a crazy world.
SexyBritneyJ's Avatar

Bernie wasn't a hooker, ergo his life is clearly more valuable. That's how it works, right?
Guest031114's Avatar
Bernie screwed more people than any hooker could do in 10 lifetimes!
SexyBritneyJ's Avatar
Challenge accepted!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Even more practical is to not go to Texas in the first place, since this is apparently acceptable. :P Originally Posted by SexyBritneyJ
"If I owned both Texas and Hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in Hell."
--Gen. Phil Sheridan.

My daughter lives in El Paso (married to a soldier stationed at Ft. Bliss). I've visited; I totally agree with Little Phil.

I mean, I'd give the money back if something went wrong. However, I still think that shooting someone is a bit of an overreaction over $150. Originally Posted by SexyBritneyJ
I'm not arguing with that. In Texas your husband could kill your boyfriend if he finds your boyfriend fucking you, which I don't think is a policy that promotes good public order, either. But Texans be wack. ;-)


Guest031114's Avatar
This may put it into perspective - even a sponge and a starfish knows:

Abe Normal's Avatar
A few years back I drove the entire 990miles across Texas on I-10. By the time I hit Louisiana I had already repeated "Fuck Texas" at least 500 times and was ready to shoot myself !
SexyBritneyJ's Avatar
Even if you encounter no other issues while passing through, it's a ridiculously boring drive.
Guest031114's Avatar
SBJ - as a fithly liberal do you give discounts to other filthy liberals?

Regardless we like minded politicos need to spend a little time together. I will be glad to listen to your world views and might be willing to even pay for your opinions!
SexyBritneyJ's Avatar
SBJ - as a fithly liberal do you give discounts to other filthy liberals?

Regardless we like minded politicos need to spend a little time together. I will be glad to listen to your world views and might be willing to even pay for your opinions! Originally Posted by Buzzman1971
Already looking for a fucking handout!