Republicans want to harm sick Americans

flghtr65's Avatar
Republicans want to harm sick Americans. It's time for the 30 million plus who are uninsured to become insured.
WOW another libtard. Guess you didn't read that Obamacare which is suppose to cover the 30M or so uninsured (which was the purpose of the bill) will leave 30M or so uninsured as reported by the CBO. Obama is promoting propaganda. His unconstitutional law is passed and then he gets to pick and choose who has to follow it. He exempts unions, big business, government workers, etc.... You voted for it you should be mandated to use it!!!

Republicans want to harm sick Americans. It's time for the 30 million plus who are uninsured to become insured. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nice try Marshall. Try English next time!
thisguy23's Avatar
Nice try Marshall. Try English next time! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

You really showed him with that one!!!
Nice try Marshall. Try English next time! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Excusez-moi, you tofu-licking navel-gazer, have you ever heard of deoderant?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I have some shit-flavored soda for you flighter. It is real refreshing, trust me.

Republicans want to harm sick Americans. It's time for the 30 million plus who are uninsured to become insured. Originally Posted by flghtr65
What makes you think that Republicans are preventing 30 million Americans from becoming insured.
I have some shit-flavored soda for you flighter. It is real refreshing, trust me.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Apparently you have first hand knowledge about how refreshing the "shit-flavored soda" you have posted an ad for happens to be.

If there was ever any question about you being one of the Idiot twins, (JD and IB) you put it to rest with the quoted advertisement found above.
JCM800's Avatar
I have some shit-flavored soda for you flighter. It is real refreshing, trust me. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I B Hankering's Avatar
"shit-flavored soda"

Originally Posted by bigtex
That drink seems to be right up your alley, BigKoTex! Oh, that's right, you're at a disadvantage since you'll need to take your head out your 'alley' to enjoy your soda, BigKoTex the BUTTer Bar Asshat.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A point was made, WHAT are the republicans doing to prevent 30 million from being covered? The Obamacare bill was passed over the heads of republicans by democrats by means of bribes, threats, and empty promises Seems to me that Obama got everything he wanted. So if 30 million are not covered then it would be the fault of the bill, Obama, and the democrats in Congress. Tell me where I'm wrong.

I will give you the analogy of a woman who gives a man complete access to all her charms, does everything he asks as many times as he asks her and then HE is angry that he is not happy. That is Obama. He has to make excuses because he is not a grown up.

That is Obama. He has to make excuses because he is not a grown up. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Spoken by the same "grown up" Idiot who proudly proclaims to be an experienced "shit-flavored soda" taste tester.

JD Idiot (twin brother to IB) promises that his favorite brand of "shit-flavored soda" "is refreshing" and we should "trust" his taste testing skills!

Uhhhh, thanks but no thanks!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
just a wholesaler, you're and your friends are the tasters. I bought the franchise from Obama Inc. They told me that there was a huge market.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Spoken by an experienced "shit-flavored soda" taste tester.

"shit-flavored soda" "is refreshing"!
Originally Posted by bigtex
Keep chugging your preferred soda, BigKoTex the BUTTer Bar Asshat! You've acquired a high tolerance for that beverage; hence, it takes more to satisfy your cravings, BigKoTex the BUTTer Bar Asshat.
ASSUPHISHEAD and his liberal wingers have always said that Obamacare hasn't even started so why are the Republicans against it?

How wrong they are. This is just one example of how the poorly thought out Obamacare law is already raising it's ugly head. Remember the portion about not denying someone insurance due to pre-existing conditions? Well the funds set aside for that ($5 Billion) have already been used up and now the solution seems to be to raise the maximum out of pocket costs someone has to pay for treatment. So much for "affordable".

Liberals need to open their eyes and see that this POS legislation does nothing to make healthcare affordable. It was written with lots of promises to the uninsured and uninsurables. Those promises seem to be not so true after all. Liberals bought this POS hook line and sinker based on what it promised. The truth is that it will still leave millions uninsured, will cost way more than thought, and creates so much red tape that ASSUPHISHEAD and liberals will be able to wipe their ass for years to come with the red tape. Oh, one last point. If this is such a good plan, then why is one state going to offer over 400 insurance plans? Really? Over 400 plans? That alone tells you there are too many loopholes in Obamacare.